Friday, 26 February 2010

Goodbye Big O

I'm soooooo glad those O games are over. Really, I've never been a fan of any sports that make you wet and cold. Even watching them was too much to bear especially when the heat conked out about a week ago. (ed. you have to pay the oil bill every time they deliver oil. That's the law!)

Tonight my editor is Lunchmeat Harold (ed. Howdy!)

I've had criticism that my blog is too wordy, goes on and on, and takes forever to get to the point (ed. Irony. Got it. Move on.)

My blog last time, or maybe the time before (ed. Don't know. Don't read them) expressed concern about a rumour that the tax credit for film and television in Nova Scotia was going the way of fiscal restraint by politicians in this province (ed. Nice foreshadowing).

But from what I understand from Lenore Zann, the gov't was looking at money spent on TV and Film but not the tax credit. And Percy Paris just came back from the Berlin Film Festival (ed. Now which Nova Scotia film was playing there?) so I'm sure he's now been indoctrinated (ed. "he now appreciates" might be a better) how the industry works in this province. Nothing like a German Goody Basket to appreciate the possibilities (ed. and if I remember my school trip to West Berlin all those years ago, there really is nothing like a German Goodie).

So that's better. Now about those greedy N.S. politicians who've been in the news over the last month, just using taxpayer dollars for their own personal -(ed. okay stop there. We're all tired of hearing about them.)

Okay. Back to the TV and film business.

The CTF results are finalized for the year, and although I'm dismayed by the dirth of NS productions in receipt of dollars, at least they did go to the right ones.

(ed. Note: the writer owns 1000 shares of DHX Inc.)

This Hour welcomed $2,181,503 in CTF money. (ed. They must have produced 40 - 50 episodes with that.)

And I really have to mention my concern here for DHX. I've copied the following and I'm about to paste it below but I need a moment. (ed. you know this isn't in real time and no one will be pausing here?)

"DHX revenues (are) down 56% in the last quarter"

And again. (ed. breathe)

DHX "Distribution revenues to be flat", I can't - (ed. I will)

"Net loss of $209,000." (ed. How can you lose money when you don't use your own?)

Okay, okay but let's not panic. Despite this, the company is in solid shape, okay. Although they haven't done much producing lately (ed. Damn you Osama Bin Laden!), the company is fiscally flush. There are millions and millions of dollars owed to the company, 69% of it owed by the gov't, and you know they're good for it. (ed. we know where you live.)

So although CFO (Sharkey) Dana Landry (ed. $223K per) addressed analysts (ed. have you ever seen an undressed analyst?) "Based on history, that's how we're judging our optimism to get back to those levels and even larger amounts".

Um, I think I feel better. (ed. It makes perfect sense. We made money before, and we'll do what we did then with all those parameters and circumstances exactly the same and we'll make money again. Trussssstttt in meeeeee. Whoa, I feel woozy.)

But I worry when Allnovascotia reports that "Michael Donovan spoke with Measured Reticence" (ed. Why, because he's such an upbeat life of the party?)

But then Dana Landry reported there was a "deal with U.S. Broadcaster for Animal Mechanicals which is the "Magic Bullet" for DHX successful in the U.K. and Latin America" (ed. translated into Latin?). "Licensing is where the money is (ed. I still have my original Scooby Doo pajamas though they're a bit snug now)".

But enough for that. I still struggle with the decision to keep my shares or sell them. I'd feel like such a traitor if I sold them to feed my heinous keeping warm and eating monkeys on my back. Damn you heinous keeping warm and eating monkeys on my back.

In other news: Phil Phitz with Jason Priestly (ed. Not a real priest)has wrapped up.

Whirleygig a Chaz Thorne "joint" is currently in production. (ed. Did he write too, or just direct?) as well as "The Corridor" written by someone called Josh MacDonald and directed by someone called Evan Kelly. These are features which are not for children and don't feature puppets or animation so...the Genie nominations are out. Canadian films. Didn't see them and neither did you.

Oh, Glen Mathews did a day to day log on shooting of The corridor but he doesn't report anything about anyone sleeping with anyone else, so there you go. but here's a linky!/notes/glen-matthews/the-corridor-day-14-15/355129183071.

oh, and a Gerri Dee pilot for CBC was shot and "word on the street" says it's not that funny. (ed. $350K from CTF)

I guess that's all the news that's phit to print (ed. see you should have left that Phil Phitz thing for here for continuity.)


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

...and back.

Okay, so I joined the 21st Century and started a Facebook page and quite a lot of "friends" jumped aboard. However, no one really talked to me or gave me any info on the state of the industry in Nova Scotia. I hope this doesn't turn out the last time when I went to bed one night and everybody un-friended me. I couldn't take that pain again. After all, I'm here because of you all!

Irregardless, I will share some tidbits I've picked up but first I'll introduce my editor, the irrascable Lunchmeat Herold. (ed. howdy!)

LOL, that gets me everytime.

The first funding deadline has elapsed for the FilmNS money slots. It'll be interesting to see who all is out there looking to leverage the taxpayer's money. Last year the highest benificiary was Halifax Film (ed. Full disclosure, the blogger owns 1000 shares in HFX/DHX/Studio B/tbd) and in 2nd place was Ocean Entertainment. Though I can't see how cooking shows will return an investment better than a one shot spelling bee. (ed. Yeah, I can't see one beating the other over cash sales, either).

So we'll see how the funding shakes out in the next month or so. I hope Halifax Film gets some provincial funding. That with money from a broadcaster, CTF and tax credits will keep our cash flow, flowing and hopefully we won't have to touch our cash (ed. $70-ish million). Last year the Hfx Film principals forewent (ed. past present of forego) any bonus's. Luckily the province stepped up with overhead and and producer fees to cover the basic, down to the floor, no bonus's (ed. said that.) salaries of the executives. Michael Donovan, Charles "The Green Arrow" Bishop, Dana Landry and David Reagan. Reagan (ed. Ragan, Regan, Rogan?) had to even sell his house, for the love of god! Oh, and there's some other guy in Toronto who makes more but that's because he's from Toronto. But a Million + is small potaoes compared to , um, someone else who makes more money.

So hopefully the province will "do the right thang" as Spike Jones would say and cough up. And I'm sure something will be made for CBC.

Anyways, the only projects I've heard on the go are:

- "Whirlygig", another Chaz Thorne joint. (ed. How about a variety headline "Chaz's Latest Gig a Whirly!" I have no idea what this is about. Sounds like it could be a circus movie or hookers at a boy scout jambouree.

- "The Corridor", written bu Josh MacDonald, directed by Evan Kelly and produced by Beverly Bliss. I have no idea who these people are bt a movie about a hallway doesn't sound that exciting.

- "The Berzerkers: Men of Dignity", Something from the mind of Michael Clattenberg (ed. but, but...what happens to Bubbles?). I have no idea if this is a feature, a series, video game or Michael's neighbours on acid (ed. Should you really be writing a column?)

- "Hobo With a Shotgun" - Jason Eisener made a trailer that Quinton Terrantino liked. So now it's a movie?

From the "Where are they Now" Column; Jay Dahl's scary thing; Paul Donovan's "The Conclave", Paul Kimball's Eternal Kiss"? Waiting gentlemen. I think you could learn from Michael Donovan about how to say he's going to make a movie, go out and make a movie and some other stuff after the movie doesn't do as good as it should have with the stupid public who needed a Rwanda movie after the otehr ones. their loss. Loosers.
