Thursday, 27 December 2012

it's the End of the Year and I Know It

So it's been pretty, pretty busy in the film and TV business in Halifax the last three months so with the help of my editor Lunchmeat Harold (ed. Howdy!) let's just dive in.

A new series "Seed" has been shot in Halifax, Mick Farrell, ex-showrunner of 22 Minutes, is the showrunner behind this. (ed. what is a show runner anyways? Producer, writer, a little of each or neither?)  Apparently the show is about a guy who played fast and loose with his sperm and now is playing catch-up with his prodigy.

Speaking of 22 Minutes, I haven't watched in a long time so I'm wondering, where's Gavin Crawford?  Gerri Hall? (Ed. that's "gorgeous and talented" Gerri Hall to you!)  They're just gone.  They were both so talented.  (ed. not that the others aren't.)  Apparently they have a new showrunner too.  (ed. again, what does one do to run a show?)

And speaking of just gone, the Atlantic Film Festival just lost two of their vets, Jan Miller and Lia Renaldo, this after last years withdrawal of Gregor Ashe.  Is this the usual purging of the old guard by the new, that happens?

And speaking of the Old Guard, the posting for the CEO job at FilmNS has finally been made.  After eight months of leaderlessness since Anne MacKenzie was ousted (ed. now says she retired but we'll never know the truth).

But the job now is much more than the travelling ambassador role that Anne played, it now seems there's some work involved.  The head honcho will now oversee all the creative industries of Nova Scotia, so not only film and TV but digital, web/internet, publishing, sound and ...? (ed. basket weaving?)

The new leader of this new organization must "provide strategic and operation leadership", provide vision, create business plans, blah, blah, blah.  Doesn't sound like as much fun as travelling to Canne, Los Angeles, Toronto to party.

It''l be interesting to see who ends up jockeying for this high prestige job.  Usually the powers that be already have someone hand picked and they make them fit, but this job description is pretty vague.  Or maybe that's the point. Doesn't even say you need a particular skill or education.  Irregardless, I'd put money on either Gregor Ashe or Gordon Whittiker.  Whittiher's Telefilm job is in jeopardy since Telefilm new policy is just to hand all their money to Toronto filmmakers (ed. It's just being made official.)

Speaking of FilmNS and partying, I never received an invitation to this years Christmas party.  :( (ed. You haven't received an invitation to any of their parties in the last 5 years.  Just saying.)  It kinda hurts my feelings.  Even though I couldn't leave my apartment to attend, anyway, it's the thought (ed. or lack thereof) that counts.  Did anyone go?  Where was it?  Was it fun?

Sigh, I live my life vicariously through you all and I'm not sure you are even there.