Monday, 23 April 2007

And Another Thing...

Anyway, my sister's exchange student arrives this weekend to start summer school at St. mary's. How a "bushman" from Brazil is going to adapt to Halifax, I don't know. (and for those of you writing in to say I'm being politically incorrect, I'm not. "Bushmen" is a name they use to distinguish themselves from the "howlies", but I may be mixing that up with Hawwaiians. And for the rest of you surfers who found this under Bushmen, it is not a site featuring trans-sexuals!)

Anyway T'sing Tao, or what ever his name is, has forwarded about sixty boxes of his
"lugagge". Really, if you live in a hut in the interior of Brazil, thousands of miles from civilization, and hundreds of years away from hygiene, how much stuff can you have.

And some of these boxes are oozing some sort of liquid and there's a definite smell. I want to call Homeland security but my sister Stella says they'll just take Chang Khi Chek or whatever, outside and blow him up.

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