Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Gavin Crawford. You are a Hissyfit!

I think this was somthing spontaneous which I'm totally for. Hanging around getting make-up on, Mr. Crawford, had fun. This is what it should be about.

You'll notice that Mark Farell plays the producer/showrunner and I was struck by something he wrote on another blog, "Too many people in our industry (and I'm not by any means the first to make this point) think that just getting something made or on-air is enough. It isn't."

I think he's totally right on this point. So many productions have come about because it was a job, signed, sealed and delivered by the producer and the broadcaster. It doesn't mean that the writers should shrug their shoulders and say this is only a paycheck and when I get my own show, I'll show'em! (ed. guilty).

Write, fight and smite to get good stuff on the air. It is possible. Even if you have to sneak it under the radar.

Now for a completely different topic, I came across this on YouTube; The Doors doing "The End". (ed. genuflect here). It was supposedly for Canadian TV but was it shot here? Who knows. The guy introducing it I think is Noel Harrison, son of Rex Harrison, who had his own variety show on CBC, shot in Halifax. Jim Morrison in Halifax? Doubt it. But whatever.

The year is 1967, Expo '67 blooms, a younger Jay Leno perfects his stand-up and Paris Hilton is not even imagined as possibly existing. sigh.

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