Forget Halifax Film Ltd being # 4 in this country. You Non-share-holding suckers! We movin' on up!
Halifax Film Ltd aka Halifax Film which now owns and controls Decode and was formerly Salter Street Films (ed. sigh, which started as producer of Codco, which Michael and Paul Donovan's "relative" who was in charge of CBC Maritimes, greenlit, okay?) has raised another $17.4 M by selling 9.7 M units of DHX, the "parent company."
To clarify, that's $17,400,000 by "selling" i.e. printing ... a bunch of shares to a consotium (ed. love that word, especially if I'm one of's!)
Now, to back track, our company raised $25M in an IPO, (ed. full disclosure - the author is a shareholder to the tune of 1000 shares), has been promised $2,000,000 from the province of Nova Scotia (ed. who can certainly afford it) in a labour rebate program to pay for all those New Brunswick Merimechi students, Sheridan animation students and Ontario Playa's; ...everything else, to take up residency in our province in order to colour in Poko's eyes. (ed. the reg's say you have to live here but "wink, wink" who's the wiser, eh. All for the greater good, eh, what gov'ner! There will never be another Cinar on my watch!). Plus we're owed about $22,000,000 in tax credits ie. gov't money, i.e. thanks taxpayers!
The agreement's in concrete (ed. practically:)
"Although no agreements or understandings have been reached and no committments made with any respect to any transaction, there have been significant discussions in certain cases."
I think we're "a couple" who no one has seen kiss!
On the other hand, Methinks he doth potest too much. But really, I have no idea what "he's" saying. It's kinda like, "well, I don't not like her, but we're not dating and I don't "like" like her, but I'm not going to ignore her 'cause she's looking at me, amd I'm not, not looking at her, you know?"
But thankfully, Michael Donovan, "In God we trust, but that's just for the soul thingy, someone back my shares, like Mike!" is ready to....dah, dah, dah acquire!
But, what or who is he "us" going to acquire? Stay tuned ! If they want, they can acquire my old production company, though I haven't paid my Joint Stock fees for a while it's still, could be, a viable thingy. After all it did produce the CBC documentary "Alexander Graham Bell: The Man, The Mind, On Ice!", the CTV special "My Proud Canada: Canadians Who Live in the U.S." and the Global mini-series "Spend This Money and Call me Can-Con!" which was shown on three consecutive nights starting at 3:00 A.M, I was told cause the audience they were after was insomniacs and the hunted. And though I haven't produced in years; I think there's value in those there archives.
So anyway, they've printed 9.7M units of DHX for the $17.46 M. To put it more plainly, 9,700,000 units for $17,460,000. As a shareholder, I'm all for growth but if 9.7M shares are going out the window, does that make my 1000 shares seem, smaller , by comparioson? (ed. no, you're fine. signed John Holmes)
I'm not a money guy but I'm thinking I have a thousand melons and Michael et all have ...millions of melons, then they trade more melons that they find under the melon tree, does that mean my melons are no longer attractive? I mean we all want to have the most attractive melons in the market right? And if there are melons, everywhere, like on a Rio beach, they will lose their allure at some point.
Let me just check the stock price. Okay, traded st $1.70 today so that's cool. I guess if someone is going to corner the melon market, I might as well be in the wagon.
But for me there are bigger parrots to fry. As regular readers know, I have a new roomamte who I brought in to help pay the rent. Her name is Carly and I suspect the business she's in is not import/export because that seems to be more exotic than trading little baggies of "something" through the slot of a metal bullet proof door that she had installed.
But anyway, she had been missing for two days, and I was concerned. I don't recall her leaving the apartment, but then when I'm having a treatment, I kind of zone out anyway. My main concern was that the food inventory was kind of low and my cock a-poo, Biscuitface hadn't been walked in days. If I was able to leave the apartment things wouldn't have seemed so dire. But then two things happened simutaineously, that broke the relative boredom and/or scared the crap out of me.
Having been alone for the last few days, I was spooked by sounds coming from our storage closet. I dragged Biscuitface to the closet, but then he ran in fear when a moan emenated from it. I started to open the door but then jumped when someone knocked at the front door. (ed. Actually there's only one door to the apartment.)
It was a Canada Post drone delivering a package for Carl, my sister's Brazilian boyfriend. I signed for it (using Henry Kissenger's name as a joke, I guess only for my benefit), and the man brought this huge box into the apartment that had like a million Brazillian postage stamps on it. And the freakin' box was moving. So the Canada Post guy scurried out and I figured I had to see what was in the box. I took my boxcutter (ed. post-911, non-threatening, I hope) and opened it up. what was inside shocked even me (ed. and in your days in hollywood, you saw Joan Collins with only half her make-up on.)
But before I could re-act, there was a movement from the closet and suddenly there appeared Carly. Now I must tell you, I did not recognize her at first glance. Or indeed, the second, third glance or the shocked stare on my face subsequent.
Whatever drug Carly was performing under, it caused her to strip down to her panties, put pillowcases on her feet, hands and head and spin around the room moaning. It looked like a marshmallow starfish with breasts.
Then her contortions around the room, startled the occupant of the crate that had just been delivered, and it broke free.
So last evening, around CBC news time, I had to deal with a crack ho who looked like a five pronged Q-tip, who was scaring the bejesus out of a pure white monkey wearing pants.
I think that's all I can report for tonight.
Oh, yea, the gram...geminis were awarded last night and apparently went well.
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Halifax Film Company (you go girl!) (and a little about me)
I try and keep this blog about the tv industry in Nova Scotia but other than the Cool Machine that is the Halifax Film Company, not nuch is going on. Is anybody else even trying? Their are millions of dollars in gov't subsidies out there and if you aren't going to grab them then I guess its up to us! (ed. He's a shareholder.)
So a little about changes happening here. My "friend" Carly from down the hall has moved in. This is not "more than friends" in nature, I just need some help. Since my sister moved out with her boyfriend, making ends meet has been a bit dicey. I was able to get along with the small allotment from the Catholic Church that comes in (not really allowed to discuss it, legally), and from what I made selling specialized ointments and medical devices specific to stand-up comedians, which I used to be one...of.
But yesterday I was fired. It seems like the new girl, Tina, who I trained and was supposed to be working under me (ed. careful) has been promoted to my position and I've been made "redundant". Don't know how that works but then I'm not a lawyer.
And as I can't leave the apartment, my employment prospects are not good. Hence the roommate.
So far things have been okay. For most of the day Carly, stays in her room and is pretty quiet, except for the occasional groans, and dashes to the washroom and the fridge to get orange juice.
Oddly enough, the first thing she did when she moved in here was to cut this big slot in the apartment door. She says she does a lot of her business (ed. which apparently is top secret gov't stuff) by mail. But I didn't know Canada Post delivered up to and well after midnight. And I didn't know they paid cash for Carly's little baggies of advertising brochures. But since she doesn't interupt my big screen tv viewing (ed. The Sound of Music, again?) so I'm cool.
I read an article in the paper the week before, by Ron Crocker, ex. Director of Atlantic (ed. or Maritime) CBC. he said the recent increase in the NS film tax credit really doesn't do much to create, or drive the local film and tv industry. He says the local tax credit, now at 50%, draws foreign producers who come here looking for cheap labour, to shoot their movies of the week.
He thinks we should develop our own industry. One that is "Canadian". Give tax credits to "Canadian" producer, writer, director, actor driven projects rather than subsidize the series of Tom Selleck movies of the week. Well, Mr. "Crock"er, that's very easy to say but, where do you expect Mr. selleck to park his luxury trailer? Vegas? (ed. ouch.)
He and his entourage pay a pretty penny using our bagagge handles importing his special water and food. They also employ, for weeks on end, grips, camera assistants, drvers, garbage piker uppers, actors (ed. well, extras), non-Tom Selleck food cookers; all at 50% of their real cost. The Nova Scotia Taxpayers, overjoyed to see the "made in Nova Scotia" font at the end of the credits, might disagree.
But if we took the leap and said, yes, we would help put Canadian writer, produced, acted, crewed films into production like the Australians (Gallipoli, mad Max, The Games etc) and the Brits (well, okay, a lot), what are you going to do with them? Show the TV shows on TV? hah. They can't compete, as far as we know, with America's excellent commercial driven productions. (ed. except for Corner Gas, Little Mosque)
But what about Canadian movies? Sure we make really good movies but unless an American distributor tells us so, how are we supposed to even know it exists.
So, we have a leg up, (ed. especially in Lifetime movies staring Rob) on productions in other provinces. Sure, we're number 4 in Canada (ed. Still ahead of Newfoundland and New Brunswick), but the more taxpayer money we spend to subsidize temporary jobs the more we'll be ahead of Minnisota. And North carolina. And other places. C'mon people, let's step up to the plate.
For Tom.
But back to business. While I have supper, (the good thing about Carly is that she will go get Whopper's for me at any time of the day or night. I feel guilty splurging but, I just can't help myself. Besides, Carly usually offers to pay and it seems like she doesn't mind. She's always carrying a big roll of cash.
But back to the business.
As I said the only tv business going on in Nova Scotia is the imaginatively named Halifax Film Company. Now, many of you will note and I fully disclose that I am a shareholder in that company. Personally myself, I own 1000 shares. And I know compared to Michael Donovan (ed. 6,952,027 shares) and Charles (The Green Arrow) Bishop (ed. 2,451,078 shares), I am not a major "playa" but who could not feel a kinship with these two powerhouses, when we have all sacrificed ..., well, I sacrificed my beliefs but I'm sure my Gumbas gave up something.
Anyway, halifax Film has disclosed these salaries:
Dana Landry: $237,000 plus a $20,000 bonus (well deserved, I say!) plus $1,990 in "other compensation (ed. could range from parking, cappochinos).
Steven Dehude (?), $250,000. Don't know who he is or what he does but I'm sure I would have voted for him if I had the chance.
As far as being on the board goes, I sure showing up once a month (ed. seems excessive) goes, Sir Graham Day receives $15,000 a year and $500 per meeting. I'm not saying that two of his days equals my rent plus groceries is not fair but sometimes my mind wanders. Oh crap, that reminds me, I'm out of meds. And now that I'm unemployed, I'm not covered.
So a little about changes happening here. My "friend" Carly from down the hall has moved in. This is not "more than friends" in nature, I just need some help. Since my sister moved out with her boyfriend, making ends meet has been a bit dicey. I was able to get along with the small allotment from the Catholic Church that comes in (not really allowed to discuss it, legally), and from what I made selling specialized ointments and medical devices specific to stand-up comedians, which I used to be one...of.
But yesterday I was fired. It seems like the new girl, Tina, who I trained and was supposed to be working under me (ed. careful) has been promoted to my position and I've been made "redundant". Don't know how that works but then I'm not a lawyer.
And as I can't leave the apartment, my employment prospects are not good. Hence the roommate.
So far things have been okay. For most of the day Carly, stays in her room and is pretty quiet, except for the occasional groans, and dashes to the washroom and the fridge to get orange juice.
Oddly enough, the first thing she did when she moved in here was to cut this big slot in the apartment door. She says she does a lot of her business (ed. which apparently is top secret gov't stuff) by mail. But I didn't know Canada Post delivered up to and well after midnight. And I didn't know they paid cash for Carly's little baggies of advertising brochures. But since she doesn't interupt my big screen tv viewing (ed. The Sound of Music, again?) so I'm cool.
I read an article in the paper the week before, by Ron Crocker, ex. Director of Atlantic (ed. or Maritime) CBC. he said the recent increase in the NS film tax credit really doesn't do much to create, or drive the local film and tv industry. He says the local tax credit, now at 50%, draws foreign producers who come here looking for cheap labour, to shoot their movies of the week.
He thinks we should develop our own industry. One that is "Canadian". Give tax credits to "Canadian" producer, writer, director, actor driven projects rather than subsidize the series of Tom Selleck movies of the week. Well, Mr. "Crock"er, that's very easy to say but, where do you expect Mr. selleck to park his luxury trailer? Vegas? (ed. ouch.)
He and his entourage pay a pretty penny using our bagagge handles importing his special water and food. They also employ, for weeks on end, grips, camera assistants, drvers, garbage piker uppers, actors (ed. well, extras), non-Tom Selleck food cookers; all at 50% of their real cost. The Nova Scotia Taxpayers, overjoyed to see the "made in Nova Scotia" font at the end of the credits, might disagree.
But if we took the leap and said, yes, we would help put Canadian writer, produced, acted, crewed films into production like the Australians (Gallipoli, mad Max, The Games etc) and the Brits (well, okay, a lot), what are you going to do with them? Show the TV shows on TV? hah. They can't compete, as far as we know, with America's excellent commercial driven productions. (ed. except for Corner Gas, Little Mosque)
But what about Canadian movies? Sure we make really good movies but unless an American distributor tells us so, how are we supposed to even know it exists.
So, we have a leg up, (ed. especially in Lifetime movies staring Rob) on productions in other provinces. Sure, we're number 4 in Canada (ed. Still ahead of Newfoundland and New Brunswick), but the more taxpayer money we spend to subsidize temporary jobs the more we'll be ahead of Minnisota. And North carolina. And other places. C'mon people, let's step up to the plate.
For Tom.
But back to business. While I have supper, (the good thing about Carly is that she will go get Whopper's for me at any time of the day or night. I feel guilty splurging but, I just can't help myself. Besides, Carly usually offers to pay and it seems like she doesn't mind. She's always carrying a big roll of cash.
But back to the business.
As I said the only tv business going on in Nova Scotia is the imaginatively named Halifax Film Company. Now, many of you will note and I fully disclose that I am a shareholder in that company. Personally myself, I own 1000 shares. And I know compared to Michael Donovan (ed. 6,952,027 shares) and Charles (The Green Arrow) Bishop (ed. 2,451,078 shares), I am not a major "playa" but who could not feel a kinship with these two powerhouses, when we have all sacrificed ..., well, I sacrificed my beliefs but I'm sure my Gumbas gave up something.
Anyway, halifax Film has disclosed these salaries:
Dana Landry: $237,000 plus a $20,000 bonus (well deserved, I say!) plus $1,990 in "other compensation (ed. could range from parking, cappochinos).
Steven Dehude (?), $250,000. Don't know who he is or what he does but I'm sure I would have voted for him if I had the chance.
As far as being on the board goes, I sure showing up once a month (ed. seems excessive) goes, Sir Graham Day receives $15,000 a year and $500 per meeting. I'm not saying that two of his days equals my rent plus groceries is not fair but sometimes my mind wanders. Oh crap, that reminds me, I'm out of meds. And now that I'm unemployed, I'm not covered.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Quietly into the Night.
Okay, like when I opened the door the other night (ed. who types out "like"), there was nobody there. And cause this is supposed to be a security building, it was either someone who lives on the floor (ed. first guess would be crack-whoeey, who lives down the hall, or maybe the fetal alcohal teen who lives at the other end who enjoys nothing better than banging his head, helmet on of course, against any hard surface he finds) or someone more sinister. Now I know my meds have been changed slightly but the paranoia level, hasn't been artificially inflated.
But I have actually little to report anyway.
The Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation is now calling itself FilmNS, which I think was the original name back when Jesus was a cowboy.
Over at another blog I was supremely happy to read that Corner Gas's ratings were as good as Heroes! It just pisses me off that all the talent in this country is not appreciated. At least not here.
And to top it off CTV's probably pissed, now they have to continue on down this "Canadian Content" road now that their show is successful. When the show first started CTV used it to burn up the money they had to commit for the purchase and to prove that Canadian tv would just appear whither and die like it usually does. But they really should have followed Global's lead when they produced the rancid "Blackfly" then tried to bury any other good show like "the Jane Show" in confusing scheduling etc..
Corner Gas is a hit and deservedly so because it is funny.
Tomorrow night I'll comment on Ron Crocker's article in the Chronicle Herald about the Nova Scotia Film tax credit.
And again, not to be paranoid but my computer keeps flashing these "Halifax Film Company is your friend" screens at me every 45 seconds or so. Probably just a glitch.
Just wonder what that think on top of the building across the dtreet is that keeps glinting sunlight.
The stock is at $1.85
But I have actually little to report anyway.
The Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation is now calling itself FilmNS, which I think was the original name back when Jesus was a cowboy.
Over at another blog I was supremely happy to read that Corner Gas's ratings were as good as Heroes! It just pisses me off that all the talent in this country is not appreciated. At least not here.
And to top it off CTV's probably pissed, now they have to continue on down this "Canadian Content" road now that their show is successful. When the show first started CTV used it to burn up the money they had to commit for the purchase and to prove that Canadian tv would just appear whither and die like it usually does. But they really should have followed Global's lead when they produced the rancid "Blackfly" then tried to bury any other good show like "the Jane Show" in confusing scheduling etc..
Corner Gas is a hit and deservedly so because it is funny.
Tomorrow night I'll comment on Ron Crocker's article in the Chronicle Herald about the Nova Scotia Film tax credit.
And again, not to be paranoid but my computer keeps flashing these "Halifax Film Company is your friend" screens at me every 45 seconds or so. Probably just a glitch.
Just wonder what that think on top of the building across the dtreet is that keeps glinting sunlight.
The stock is at $1.85
Monday, 15 October 2007
Carly Returns and What's up Decode!
Well, Carly the co-dependant, drug user (ed. ex-drug user she said) who lives down the hall has been coming by and taking my dog Bicuitface out for his walks. Its been great as he doesn't have to squat over the edge of the balcony (ed. trying to get between two rungs isn't as easy as it sounds when your facing away from them on all fours.)
I like Carly most times. She's engaging and intelligent and she always stays for a Cup o' Soup with me after she walks my dog. But sometimes its like I'm talking to a grinning Marmaduke who is just happy that I'm talking to him but has no idea what I'm saying.
The last time she was like that she wanted to know if I wanted to try some of her crack. Now, let's assume, (ed. Hope!) she's talking about the drug and I told her I had to pass. In the 70's and 80's I did a lot of...well, everything. (ed. Didn't you do Wham! in Griffin park?)
I was single, living in L.A. and I was making more money than a crack whore at a cocaine dealers convention. I remember one weekend I had a bunch of rolled up one hundred (ed. U.S.) dollar bills stuck up my nose. The whole weekend! And those presidents were pretty high by Monday when I reported to the set of The Love Boat. And believe me, that crowd didn't care.
Anyway, I'm thinking I may have to take in a roommate. Since my sister moved out with her boyfriend I'm in the middle of a bit of a cash crunch. I've sent an ad into The Coast so hopefully someone not insane/tidy in the bathroom and kitchen/and will pay his share of the expenses while shutting up, will answer.
Oh, and I've noticed that this blog seems to be getting rather a lot of interest at the Decode Website. They're owned by DHX, who I own shares in. I guess they're looking in to see what the shareholders are thinking. Surely they can't be upset at anything that I've published. I've been way positive (ed. You did criticize the directors. And management. And I think you shared some numbers that you shouldn't have.)
Regardless, DHX are reasonable and fair corporate citizens who would only see any criticism as constructive to help...oh wait. Someone's at the door. I'll be right back.
I like Carly most times. She's engaging and intelligent and she always stays for a Cup o' Soup with me after she walks my dog. But sometimes its like I'm talking to a grinning Marmaduke who is just happy that I'm talking to him but has no idea what I'm saying.
The last time she was like that she wanted to know if I wanted to try some of her crack. Now, let's assume, (ed. Hope!) she's talking about the drug and I told her I had to pass. In the 70's and 80's I did a lot of...well, everything. (ed. Didn't you do Wham! in Griffin park?)
I was single, living in L.A. and I was making more money than a crack whore at a cocaine dealers convention. I remember one weekend I had a bunch of rolled up one hundred (ed. U.S.) dollar bills stuck up my nose. The whole weekend! And those presidents were pretty high by Monday when I reported to the set of The Love Boat. And believe me, that crowd didn't care.
Anyway, I'm thinking I may have to take in a roommate. Since my sister moved out with her boyfriend I'm in the middle of a bit of a cash crunch. I've sent an ad into The Coast so hopefully someone not insane/tidy in the bathroom and kitchen/and will pay his share of the expenses while shutting up, will answer.
Oh, and I've noticed that this blog seems to be getting rather a lot of interest at the Decode Website. They're owned by DHX, who I own shares in. I guess they're looking in to see what the shareholders are thinking. Surely they can't be upset at anything that I've published. I've been way positive (ed. You did criticize the directors. And management. And I think you shared some numbers that you shouldn't have.)
Regardless, DHX are reasonable and fair corporate citizens who would only see any criticism as constructive to help...oh wait. Someone's at the door. I'll be right back.
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Halifax Film / TV News
From Atlantic Business magazine -
"Coming to a Television Near You
DHX Media Ltd. can't wait for you to meet the Bannons, a seemingly ordinary family living in an ordinary house in an ordinary neighborhood in an ordinary town. Except that they aren't ordinary at all - they are a very extraordinary family of retired spies. And, thanks to DHX Media Ltd., television viewers will get to follow their comedic antics as they try to adapt to normal life when the live action series airs on the small screen this Fall. DHX Media Ltd., a Halifax-based independent international producer and distributor of television programming and interactive content, has secured the worldwide television and home entertainment distribution rights to Turner Broadcasting's 'My Spy Family', produced by Kindle Entertainment."
A family of spies! Shades of "The Rosenbergs" a comedy made back in the 1950's for the fledgling Dumont Network in the U.S. in the style of "I Love Lucy". It was a madcap comedy about a Jewish family in New York where the Mother Ethel, kept inadvertently giving away atomic bomb secrets to the "Ruskies (ed. actually they were the USSR at that time). It was left to her poor shlep of a husband, Julius and his madcap sidekick, Sticky, to try and right the wrongs and save Ethel the embarassment of being executed for her silly carrying-on.
A bumbling team of FBI agents, Hank and Miranda (ed. who were married to each other. A funny idea at the time, because there would be no such thing as a female FBI agent) kept trying to expose the Rosenbergs and their crazy spying, treasonous ways. It was based on the real Rosenberg spies who were executed for treason in real life.
America loved the show at the time especially the episode where they made the tv image dim when the TV Rosenbergs were electricuted in a hilarious Marx Brother-esque episode. Unfortunately the show had no where to go after the death of the lead characters.
But Halifax Film's new show sounds better and more profitable and that's what it's all about.
But speaking of which September 25th saw the directors of Halifax Film aka DHX give themselves the following "bonus". They were granted options (ed. the right to buy share at a specified price, in this case $1.62) as follows:
Charles Bishop (ed. aka "the Green Arrow") 40,000
Neil Court (ed. shrug) 40,000
Steven Denure (ed. again with the shrug) 75,000
Donald Wright (ed. maybe these three guys are the creative team that stoke the fires) 40,000
Graham Day (ed. sits on about 1500 boards and collects shares and directors fees for just showing up and not complaining that the cavier is not really authentic.)
William Ritchie 40,000 (ed. he's the guy who raised $25,000,000 for Halifax film)
Dana Landry 40,000 (ed. he's the guy who had Willima Ritchie's phone # and thus helped raise $25M)
Joseph Medjusk 40,000 (ed. our ticket to the L.A. Pot o' gold)
and of course Michael Donovan 40,000.
Now this all sounds good because these guys (ed. most of them...some of them...any of them?) deserve to be compensated for guiding the ship that is DHX to profitability (ed. damn the torpedoes! I mean creative)
But do they have to dilute my shares. In really good faith, I inheirited 1000 shares at $1.40 a share. A few weeks ago after the latest financials came out, they were trading at $1.96! I was very happy, though I did not go out and splurge on the extra lean ground beef for my Hamburger Helper instead of medium because I didn't want to cash in; I wanted to hold on for the long term. (ed. Once Poko V: The Revenge hits theatres, we're talking Payday!)
But now these guys go into a small room for the afternoon and decide to option each other like that! The stocks were down to $1.76 on Friday. Even with the drop let's do the math. 40,000 X (1.76 - $1.62) = $5,600. Not a bad payday for an afternoon with a catered lunch.
*sigh* But I guess it means they will work harder to get the share price up, which is good for me. And I'm sure they'll take the $5,600 and just donate it to charity or the local production community. (ed. note: Statistics Canada figures reveal that the average "filmmaker" in Canada earns almost $6,000 a year. But then again, he's in it for the love. Which is delicious!)
that's all for now.
"Coming to a Television Near You
DHX Media Ltd. can't wait for you to meet the Bannons, a seemingly ordinary family living in an ordinary house in an ordinary neighborhood in an ordinary town. Except that they aren't ordinary at all - they are a very extraordinary family of retired spies. And, thanks to DHX Media Ltd., television viewers will get to follow their comedic antics as they try to adapt to normal life when the live action series airs on the small screen this Fall. DHX Media Ltd., a Halifax-based independent international producer and distributor of television programming and interactive content, has secured the worldwide television and home entertainment distribution rights to Turner Broadcasting's 'My Spy Family', produced by Kindle Entertainment."
A family of spies! Shades of "The Rosenbergs" a comedy made back in the 1950's for the fledgling Dumont Network in the U.S. in the style of "I Love Lucy". It was a madcap comedy about a Jewish family in New York where the Mother Ethel, kept inadvertently giving away atomic bomb secrets to the "Ruskies (ed. actually they were the USSR at that time). It was left to her poor shlep of a husband, Julius and his madcap sidekick, Sticky, to try and right the wrongs and save Ethel the embarassment of being executed for her silly carrying-on.
A bumbling team of FBI agents, Hank and Miranda (ed. who were married to each other. A funny idea at the time, because there would be no such thing as a female FBI agent) kept trying to expose the Rosenbergs and their crazy spying, treasonous ways. It was based on the real Rosenberg spies who were executed for treason in real life.
America loved the show at the time especially the episode where they made the tv image dim when the TV Rosenbergs were electricuted in a hilarious Marx Brother-esque episode. Unfortunately the show had no where to go after the death of the lead characters.
But Halifax Film's new show sounds better and more profitable and that's what it's all about.
But speaking of which September 25th saw the directors of Halifax Film aka DHX give themselves the following "bonus". They were granted options (ed. the right to buy share at a specified price, in this case $1.62) as follows:
Charles Bishop (ed. aka "the Green Arrow") 40,000
Neil Court (ed. shrug) 40,000
Steven Denure (ed. again with the shrug) 75,000
Donald Wright (ed. maybe these three guys are the creative team that stoke the fires) 40,000
Graham Day (ed. sits on about 1500 boards and collects shares and directors fees for just showing up and not complaining that the cavier is not really authentic.)
William Ritchie 40,000 (ed. he's the guy who raised $25,000,000 for Halifax film)
Dana Landry 40,000 (ed. he's the guy who had Willima Ritchie's phone # and thus helped raise $25M)
Joseph Medjusk 40,000 (ed. our ticket to the L.A. Pot o' gold)
and of course Michael Donovan 40,000.
Now this all sounds good because these guys (ed. most of them...some of them...any of them?) deserve to be compensated for guiding the ship that is DHX to profitability (ed. damn the torpedoes! I mean creative)
But do they have to dilute my shares. In really good faith, I inheirited 1000 shares at $1.40 a share. A few weeks ago after the latest financials came out, they were trading at $1.96! I was very happy, though I did not go out and splurge on the extra lean ground beef for my Hamburger Helper instead of medium because I didn't want to cash in; I wanted to hold on for the long term. (ed. Once Poko V: The Revenge hits theatres, we're talking Payday!)
But now these guys go into a small room for the afternoon and decide to option each other like that! The stocks were down to $1.76 on Friday. Even with the drop let's do the math. 40,000 X (1.76 - $1.62) = $5,600. Not a bad payday for an afternoon with a catered lunch.
*sigh* But I guess it means they will work harder to get the share price up, which is good for me. And I'm sure they'll take the $5,600 and just donate it to charity or the local production community. (ed. note: Statistics Canada figures reveal that the average "filmmaker" in Canada earns almost $6,000 a year. But then again, he's in it for the love. Which is delicious!)
that's all for now.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Nothing about Halifax Film Stuff
So its been a busy weekend, plus. After my sister Stella and her Brazillian boyfriend Carl, moved out, it was really nice. Quiet and non-sticky on the couch for once. I watched ABBA in concert, carl left his big screen tv, and I listened to ABBA Gold while I was working. (ed. If only someone had invented ABBA popcorn snacks!)
But a problem presented itself about an hour after Stella left. My dog, Biscuitface, needed to go out. And since I can't leave the apartment, this was a problem. I thought I had a solution. I took him over to the window, put him over my shoulder like a bag of potatos, and gave him the code word "push" so he would do his business. (ed. on the nazi code machine enigma, this would have come out "minty") So while I had him up there, aiming his ass like a rocketlauncher toward the street (ed. not what Bruce Cockburn envisioned, I imagine), he reacted.
Unfortunately, I thought he had to have a number two, and I pictured that after I yelled "fire in the hole" he would have defecated clear of me and the windowsill. Unfortunately, it was a number 1, which proceded to run down my 1972 USSR(ed. not Russia!) Canada souvenir hockey sweater.
But we did work out a system where he learned to treat the balcony (ed. should have thought of that before the window), like his personal city street. And no, I don't sweep it over the balcony I actually glove up, and bag it for the garbage.
But thanksgiving was good because Stella and Carl came by and he brought two of those rare Brazillian parrots with him that are endangered. They're beautiful and more intelligent than real parrots; they can answer questions, not just mimic.
And on top of that they were delicious! Even Biscuitface had some and he usually doesn't eat anything unless it comes out of a bag with a picture of a dog on it. (ed. maybe he thinks he's eating another dog!)
But besides us, Stella had invited a few people that lived on our floor. Mrs. McNeil lost her husband a few years back and she has managed to eke out a living by caring for abandoned animals and crack addicts. She's the nicest person and has the patience of a saint. (ed. hopefully not St. Angry, The Demonstrable, who I think is Irish).
Our other guest was from down the hall and her name is Carly. She's around my age, give or take 30 years, it's kinda hard to tell. She's had a hard life; her first husband was a drug addict, her second husband did drugs, her third husband...well, you get the idea. And I think Carly was more than just along for the ride.
Regardless (ed. thank you. irregardless is not a real word!) she is super nice and when all three of her left-over brain cells are in alignment, she's quite intelligent and funny. And she's agreed to take Biscuitface for his daily walks!
She said she'd loved to because she loves animals. She has a cat which I always thought of as a disgusting creature. I mean once in a while you give your dog a bath, grudgingly on his part, but then he's clean. but, a cat? uggh. "No water for me thank you! I keep myself clean". Really, all they do is shove the dirt, tuna, and ass leavings under their fur with their tongue! Then they lick their owners who say, "ahh, she loves me." No, she's just cleaning all the disgusting things off her tongue on to you.
Anyway that's all for now. I have to get back to blogging about the biz!
My DHX (Halifax Film Company) stock is back down to $1.70! I should have sold my 1000 shares when it was at $1.93 last week. Bet this is because of the internet leak of Animal Mechanicals!
But a problem presented itself about an hour after Stella left. My dog, Biscuitface, needed to go out. And since I can't leave the apartment, this was a problem. I thought I had a solution. I took him over to the window, put him over my shoulder like a bag of potatos, and gave him the code word "push" so he would do his business. (ed. on the nazi code machine enigma, this would have come out "minty") So while I had him up there, aiming his ass like a rocketlauncher toward the street (ed. not what Bruce Cockburn envisioned, I imagine), he reacted.
Unfortunately, I thought he had to have a number two, and I pictured that after I yelled "fire in the hole" he would have defecated clear of me and the windowsill. Unfortunately, it was a number 1, which proceded to run down my 1972 USSR(ed. not Russia!) Canada souvenir hockey sweater.
But we did work out a system where he learned to treat the balcony (ed. should have thought of that before the window), like his personal city street. And no, I don't sweep it over the balcony I actually glove up, and bag it for the garbage.
But thanksgiving was good because Stella and Carl came by and he brought two of those rare Brazillian parrots with him that are endangered. They're beautiful and more intelligent than real parrots; they can answer questions, not just mimic.
And on top of that they were delicious! Even Biscuitface had some and he usually doesn't eat anything unless it comes out of a bag with a picture of a dog on it. (ed. maybe he thinks he's eating another dog!)
But besides us, Stella had invited a few people that lived on our floor. Mrs. McNeil lost her husband a few years back and she has managed to eke out a living by caring for abandoned animals and crack addicts. She's the nicest person and has the patience of a saint. (ed. hopefully not St. Angry, The Demonstrable, who I think is Irish).
Our other guest was from down the hall and her name is Carly. She's around my age, give or take 30 years, it's kinda hard to tell. She's had a hard life; her first husband was a drug addict, her second husband did drugs, her third husband...well, you get the idea. And I think Carly was more than just along for the ride.
Regardless (ed. thank you. irregardless is not a real word!) she is super nice and when all three of her left-over brain cells are in alignment, she's quite intelligent and funny. And she's agreed to take Biscuitface for his daily walks!
She said she'd loved to because she loves animals. She has a cat which I always thought of as a disgusting creature. I mean once in a while you give your dog a bath, grudgingly on his part, but then he's clean. but, a cat? uggh. "No water for me thank you! I keep myself clean". Really, all they do is shove the dirt, tuna, and ass leavings under their fur with their tongue! Then they lick their owners who say, "ahh, she loves me." No, she's just cleaning all the disgusting things off her tongue on to you.
Anyway that's all for now. I have to get back to blogging about the biz!
My DHX (Halifax Film Company) stock is back down to $1.70! I should have sold my 1000 shares when it was at $1.93 last week. Bet this is because of the internet leak of Animal Mechanicals!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
East Coast Forgotten and Rotten: Global Television Layoffs and Electropolis Hopes
K coupla things;
Since my sister left with her Brazilian boyfriend things have a little desperate. But staying true to the theme of this blog; some television notes:
Global TV has laid of about 200 people across the country including about 37 out of 41 Halifax employees. The local news for Halifax will now be produced and broadcast from Vancouver. I'm trying to wrap my head around this concept: on the positive side a virtual newsroom will be used (ed. yeh! cool! technology!) and the news between the Lotus land city and the city of needy should be similar because....we both have oceans? At least the graphics shouldn't have to change. (ed. 'cept our lobsters are better, 'cause we gots the ones with claws, eh. But they's can photoshop claws on them lame bastards, I 's'pose). On the negative side, how will we know who got mugged, stabbed, tortured, beaten over the head with a table leg, by our own poor disturbed "I only need attention" Young offenders.
The Nova Scotia NDP has stepped into the frey of the Electropolis debacle. as previous readers know, Nova Scotia Power who owes Electropolis, wants to increase rent to Halifax Film Company to what they could get if they rented the film studio out to other people. WTF? Do they know that the principle person using Electropolis has won an Academy Award (tm) ?! That's an Oscar (tm) to you!
Of course Halifax Film needs the gov't to step up to the plate and subsidize the lease. Finally the NDP are realizing that socialism and capitalism can exist side by side, or feed each other or at least share in the magical glow that is Hollywood North...easterly.
We think if this gov't can afford to give money makers like Olands Brewaries, (ed. owned by a Dutch company and enjoying its best year ever)a million or two to get bigger than the film industry in this province aka Michael Donovan, should also enjoy the same consideration. Did Mr. Oland win an Oscar (tm)? I think not.
Since my sister left with her Brazilian boyfriend things have a little desperate. But staying true to the theme of this blog; some television notes:
Global TV has laid of about 200 people across the country including about 37 out of 41 Halifax employees. The local news for Halifax will now be produced and broadcast from Vancouver. I'm trying to wrap my head around this concept: on the positive side a virtual newsroom will be used (ed. yeh! cool! technology!) and the news between the Lotus land city and the city of needy should be similar because....we both have oceans? At least the graphics shouldn't have to change. (ed. 'cept our lobsters are better, 'cause we gots the ones with claws, eh. But they's can photoshop claws on them lame bastards, I 's'pose). On the negative side, how will we know who got mugged, stabbed, tortured, beaten over the head with a table leg, by our own poor disturbed "I only need attention" Young offenders.
The Nova Scotia NDP has stepped into the frey of the Electropolis debacle. as previous readers know, Nova Scotia Power who owes Electropolis, wants to increase rent to Halifax Film Company to what they could get if they rented the film studio out to other people. WTF? Do they know that the principle person using Electropolis has won an Academy Award (tm) ?! That's an Oscar (tm) to you!
Of course Halifax Film needs the gov't to step up to the plate and subsidize the lease. Finally the NDP are realizing that socialism and capitalism can exist side by side, or feed each other or at least share in the magical glow that is Hollywood North...easterly.
We think if this gov't can afford to give money makers like Olands Brewaries, (ed. owned by a Dutch company and enjoying its best year ever)a million or two to get bigger than the film industry in this province aka Michael Donovan, should also enjoy the same consideration. Did Mr. Oland win an Oscar (tm)? I think not.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
More Halifax tv/film Stuff
Well, Stella and Carl are out of the house and I can finally sit around in my underwear blogging with Abba's greatest hits turned up to 5!
A few more tidbits I came across, my friend Maurice aka "ed" will be my editor for this evening.
Halifax Film Company(ed. not again with them!) has secured a $25,000,000 line of credit to help with production financing. That will help cash flow until the government welfare, er, incentives come rolling in.
I watched 22 Minutes Last night and I must say, they seem to have updated themselves nicely and the show was actually funny. Mark Critch seems to be coming into his own since the last time I saw him, a few years ago. He did a pretty decent Jerry Lewis and his Rex Murphy was spot on.
They let some guy (ed. he looked 12) interview a senator in the U.S. who's suing God. The kid was actually pretty good; his timing was impeccable. Hopefully Jon Stewart doesn't steal him away.
Gavin Crawford didn't get a lot to do but I always liked the mischevious look in his eye.
And Cathy Jones was there.
"That News Show" doesn't look like it's going for a second season. The show on TVTropolis (ed. sounds lik a disease) takes weird and wacky tv news stories from around the globe and sucks the entertainment value out of them. It was produced by a Halifax company called Acadia. They do a lot of looking at fish shows. (ed. snore) But that shows director Mark Mullane has moved to Toronto after seperating from his wife and former Street Cents co-worker Allison Dixon. She is just cute as a button. (ed. um, thi is starting to sound like some sort of gossip rag)
Corus has taken the knife out and cut, amongst other departments, development staff from YTV (Bonieta Siegal) and The Movie Network (Shelley Gillan). Should they be doing that, with another pay tv movie channel launching shortly?
And speaking of breaking up, Jeff Rosen who created Bo on the Go, Poko, Lunar Jim and a hundred other kids shows for Halifax Film Company is gettin a divorce. (ed. great! You got Halifax Film and a divorce scandal in the same item!) Let's hope she dosn't find out his base salary is $380,000 a year and that's without the writer's fees he farts out. Sounds like a lot but when you realize these shows are evergreen and are/will make Halifx Films millions, well, Jeff, mabe you should be making more.
A few more tidbits I came across, my friend Maurice aka "ed" will be my editor for this evening.
Halifax Film Company(ed. not again with them!) has secured a $25,000,000 line of credit to help with production financing. That will help cash flow until the government welfare, er, incentives come rolling in.
I watched 22 Minutes Last night and I must say, they seem to have updated themselves nicely and the show was actually funny. Mark Critch seems to be coming into his own since the last time I saw him, a few years ago. He did a pretty decent Jerry Lewis and his Rex Murphy was spot on.
They let some guy (ed. he looked 12) interview a senator in the U.S. who's suing God. The kid was actually pretty good; his timing was impeccable. Hopefully Jon Stewart doesn't steal him away.
Gavin Crawford didn't get a lot to do but I always liked the mischevious look in his eye.
And Cathy Jones was there.
"That News Show" doesn't look like it's going for a second season. The show on TVTropolis (ed. sounds lik a disease) takes weird and wacky tv news stories from around the globe and sucks the entertainment value out of them. It was produced by a Halifax company called Acadia. They do a lot of looking at fish shows. (ed. snore) But that shows director Mark Mullane has moved to Toronto after seperating from his wife and former Street Cents co-worker Allison Dixon. She is just cute as a button. (ed. um, thi is starting to sound like some sort of gossip rag)
Corus has taken the knife out and cut, amongst other departments, development staff from YTV (Bonieta Siegal) and The Movie Network (Shelley Gillan). Should they be doing that, with another pay tv movie channel launching shortly?
And speaking of breaking up, Jeff Rosen who created Bo on the Go, Poko, Lunar Jim and a hundred other kids shows for Halifax Film Company is gettin a divorce. (ed. great! You got Halifax Film and a divorce scandal in the same item!) Let's hope she dosn't find out his base salary is $380,000 a year and that's without the writer's fees he farts out. Sounds like a lot but when you realize these shows are evergreen and are/will make Halifx Films millions, well, Jeff, mabe you should be making more.
Halifax Film Company Made Me Rich!
Well, the financials for Halifax Film Company (aka DHX) are out and kapow! am I ever glad I didn't trade my shares with Maurice for his "slightly used" laptop. As regular readers are aware, my Father left me 1000 shares of DHX stock earlier this year when it was trading at $1.40. Now the shares are up to $1.93! This calls for Quarter Pounders with cheese tonight as a treat. Dammit, I'm getting fries too!
DHX's nine month ending March 31, 2007 results are likely what caused the increase and who would not be thrilled with those numbers. Though I don't understand a lot of the accountant's mumbo Jumbo, the report states that Revenues were up 216%! That is almost double!
The written part of the report (I had to skim most of it or fall asleep at my trusty keyboard) was joyously optomistic when it talked of the past 9 months and the future of the company. There's all kinds of new shows being produced like a show for YTV called "Clang!" Kids love that sound! It`s a Canada/Hong Kong/Singapore co-production. And I'm guessing the Hong Kongians and Singaporians are putting in the "sweat equity" and not for the money grubbing rates that animators in Canada and Korean demand! Hey, draw some food! ha! And really by hiring asian workers to create our Canadian content we are making their lives so much better. It's not like they would want a Starbucks coffee, even if they could afford it.
Anyway, in a previous blog it was noted that DHX may lose their production facilities "Electropolis" because the owner wants to charge them outrageous market rate rent instead of the below market rate Halifax Film needed these last ten years to scrabble togther a living. Luckily the company as able to make some money from third parties such as the Films Outlander and Slevin. They helped bring in $215,000. Rent was $50,000/month so thats,um, $215,000 - 50,000 X 9 = um, just a sec. MINUS $235,000! No wonder Michael Donovan is calling his landlord unfair. If on top of that he had to pay rent for the productions Bo on the Go, Lunar Jim, Mighty Jungle, Animal Mechanicals..well, you're taking the fries right out of my mouth, people.
Oh, and I finally saw Shake Hands With the Devil. My friend Maurice videotaped it at the theatre, but before you jump all over me, remember I'm unable to leave the aprtment so I probably would have had to wait a week before it finished its theatrical run in Canada and went to DVD.
I thought the film was very well made (although, Maurice, a little less camera shake next time. I can't believe you were looking for milk duds in your pocket all that time.) Horrifying story but well acted by Roy Dupreis (?) Other than him I didn't see a lot of Canadian content or Nova Scotia crew involved. oh well, those tax credits aren't so picky anymore.
I'll be back with more blogging later. My sister Stella and her Brazillian boyfriend are finally moving out, thank God! I'll have the place to myself without having worry about finding a puddle of their combined bodily fluids everywhere. Really, in the fridge? How? Why? Never mind.
I'm helping them pack to hurry them out the door. But still, I don't know how I'm going to pay the rent by myself. May have to leverage my stocks somehow.
DHX's nine month ending March 31, 2007 results are likely what caused the increase and who would not be thrilled with those numbers. Though I don't understand a lot of the accountant's mumbo Jumbo, the report states that Revenues were up 216%! That is almost double!
The written part of the report (I had to skim most of it or fall asleep at my trusty keyboard) was joyously optomistic when it talked of the past 9 months and the future of the company. There's all kinds of new shows being produced like a show for YTV called "Clang!" Kids love that sound! It`s a Canada/Hong Kong/Singapore co-production. And I'm guessing the Hong Kongians and Singaporians are putting in the "sweat equity" and not for the money grubbing rates that animators in Canada and Korean demand! Hey, draw some food! ha! And really by hiring asian workers to create our Canadian content we are making their lives so much better. It's not like they would want a Starbucks coffee, even if they could afford it.
Anyway, in a previous blog it was noted that DHX may lose their production facilities "Electropolis" because the owner wants to charge them outrageous market rate rent instead of the below market rate Halifax Film needed these last ten years to scrabble togther a living. Luckily the company as able to make some money from third parties such as the Films Outlander and Slevin. They helped bring in $215,000. Rent was $50,000/month so thats,um, $215,000 - 50,000 X 9 = um, just a sec. MINUS $235,000! No wonder Michael Donovan is calling his landlord unfair. If on top of that he had to pay rent for the productions Bo on the Go, Lunar Jim, Mighty Jungle, Animal Mechanicals..well, you're taking the fries right out of my mouth, people.
Oh, and I finally saw Shake Hands With the Devil. My friend Maurice videotaped it at the theatre, but before you jump all over me, remember I'm unable to leave the aprtment so I probably would have had to wait a week before it finished its theatrical run in Canada and went to DVD.
I thought the film was very well made (although, Maurice, a little less camera shake next time. I can't believe you were looking for milk duds in your pocket all that time.) Horrifying story but well acted by Roy Dupreis (?) Other than him I didn't see a lot of Canadian content or Nova Scotia crew involved. oh well, those tax credits aren't so picky anymore.
I'll be back with more blogging later. My sister Stella and her Brazillian boyfriend are finally moving out, thank God! I'll have the place to myself without having worry about finding a puddle of their combined bodily fluids everywhere. Really, in the fridge? How? Why? Never mind.
I'm helping them pack to hurry them out the door. But still, I don't know how I'm going to pay the rent by myself. May have to leverage my stocks somehow.
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