Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Quietly into the Night.

Okay, like when I opened the door the other night (ed. who types out "like"), there was nobody there. And cause this is supposed to be a security building, it was either someone who lives on the floor (ed. first guess would be crack-whoeey, who lives down the hall, or maybe the fetal alcohal teen who lives at the other end who enjoys nothing better than banging his head, helmet on of course, against any hard surface he finds) or someone more sinister. Now I know my meds have been changed slightly but the paranoia level, hasn't been artificially inflated.

But I have actually little to report anyway.

The Nova Scotia Film Development Corporation is now calling itself FilmNS, which I think was the original name back when Jesus was a cowboy.

Over at another blog I was supremely happy to read that Corner Gas's ratings were as good as Heroes! It just pisses me off that all the talent in this country is not appreciated. At least not here.

And to top it off CTV's probably pissed, now they have to continue on down this "Canadian Content" road now that their show is successful. When the show first started CTV used it to burn up the money they had to commit for the purchase and to prove that Canadian tv would just appear whither and die like it usually does. But they really should have followed Global's lead when they produced the rancid "Blackfly" then tried to bury any other good show like "the Jane Show" in confusing scheduling etc..

Corner Gas is a hit and deservedly so because it is funny.


Tomorrow night I'll comment on Ron Crocker's article in the Chronicle Herald about the Nova Scotia Film tax credit.

And again, not to be paranoid but my computer keeps flashing these "Halifax Film Company is your friend" screens at me every 45 seconds or so. Probably just a glitch.

Just wonder what that think on top of the building across the dtreet is that keeps glinting sunlight.

The stock is at $1.85

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