Wednesday, 28 November 2007

As Stephen Bishop would sing "On and On" in Halifax

Not much going on, well from my apartment anyway. Just to keep in the blogging habit and with the absence of intelligence (ed. Not that we don't have intelligence, well, that's not what the author meant anyway, he ment outside info) I've just been googling to find info on what's happening.

I found a link from a Martha Stewart fan who hates all things negative about Martha Stewart (ed. taking it a bit personal for a mythological figure, isn't she?) including a tv movie of the week that was shot in Halifax a few years ago. Here's the link if you want to read the whole bloody thing to make sure I didn't take the time (ed. as if!) to make this crap up.

I'll cherry pick her too-expansive blog for some quotes "Finally, underlying the bad script and the poor performances is a cheap production quality, which firmly relegates this film to lower-rung status among made-for-TV bio-dramas. The diminutive Halifax (ed. wtf? We are 1:1 full scale even if we do use metric (ed. pay lip service to it anyway))setting has nothing on the glamour and style of Westport or the orderly grit of New Jersey. (ed. Are we supposed to know Westport? I guess if we're Martha fans. And I've been to Jersey. Grit, yes. Orderly? Well, the waste dumps are catagorized according to toxicity, so yeah, have to give them that much.)

In a strange twist of irony, (Candace) Bergen was in Halifax at the same time the shoot for Martha Inc. was going on, starring in a much more prestigious project.

She was cast in a TV film called Footsteps, a suspense drama directed by John Badham, who directed such screen favorites as Saturday Night Fever, Stakeout, Incognito and Point of No Return. (ed. anybody ever hear of this? anybody...anybody...Bueller?)

Reports that Candice and Cybill got together for a succulent lobster dinner only to end up in a fist fight knee deep in clam shells are unconfirmed!" (ed. Now that I would pay to see!)

More googling discovered that Ellen Page (X-Men, Hard Candy, Juno) was in an episode of Trailer Park Boys playing "Treena Lahey".

And to be current - Ron Foley MacDonald "The film version of the best-selling book The Memory Keeper’s Daughter, will be shot in Halifax as a television movie starting November 18th. (ed. snore)

To be directed by Mick Jackson - who helmed the widely seen MOW of the hit inspirational memoir Tuesdays With Morrie - The Memory Keeper’s Daughter will star Dermot Mulroney (Gracie) and Emily Watson, who rose to fame in the art film "Breaking The Waves".

But closer to home, my sister Stella has moved back in. She broke up with her Brazillian boyfriend Carl.

Now, I'm not asking for pity here but....I'm sharing a one bedroom apartment with a crack hore roommate, my sister and her pre-natal b*tard child (ed. though no fault of his/her own, and my cock-a-poo, Biscuitface.

And since I can't leave the apartment, something's got to give!

But for no particular reason are Jimmy Stewart, Dean Martin and Orsen Welles just goofin' around on Dean's TV show. Looks like they're having fun cause they are!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Halifax (and her Areas) Film/Tv Stuff

Not too much happening, apparently, in the tv/film biz in Halifax. Slowing down for Christmas, I suppose. If I could leave the apartment I'd take in some of the parties that'll surely be going on. Even when I lived in California and Vancouver, I was always able to come home to Halifax at this time of year and there'd be parties, pretty well every night leading up to Christmas; NSFDC, Telefilm, Collideascope (ed. hopefully they've cleaned the washroom since that last time. Or maybe they just boarded it up.), plus many private ones.

But the best was always the Salter Street parties. It was invitation only but I had a friend in the government who I would always tag along with. (ed. presumably in the money supply side.) It was always interesting to watch the room(s) seperated into cliques; the managers, the office worker bees, the honoured guests (ed. funding people?), the young, bright-eyed filmmakers who were excited to have just gotten themselves a job on a production (ed. visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads) and the other prodction workers who had been there a while. (ed. with that "soul sucked out of them" look.)

The high point was when the producers and the executive producers, were wheeled down from the executives offices just drunk enough on imported scotch and the blood of a hundred virgins, to be able to mingle amongst the riff-raff without shuddering.

Sometimes they even made eye contact.

This was before Charles "the Green Arrow" Bishop was part of the "team". At one party, I remember he and I in the kitchen joking about what a farce the film industry was with its stupid tier system and status battles. Now that I think about it, the year after that he was having me kicked to the curb by a bouncer when I tried to crash the Salter party. That was the last time I saw him.

Legend has it that after the sale of Salter Street to Alliance Atlantis, he could be heard in the Barrington Street office, scurrying through the heating ducts, playing Hot Cross Buns on his recorder, and bemoaning the fact that he gave up a lucrative film production company (ed. Who can forget The Food Show, and that Loto 649 commercial with the squirrel)

The next time I heard about him, he had been hired , then fired from Alliance Atlantis, The final indignation; he had to sit in the cheap seats at the Academy Awards while Michael Donovan shared the stage (ed. 1/4, 3/4's who is who, you decide.) with Michael Moore. (ed. Rumours persist to this day that it was Charles who was boo'ing the loudest.)

I wonder whatever happened to him? Hmmm.... I wonder...wonder....won...

Oh right.

I have to log off soon as my issue of Playback came today and I'll be snuggling up in my beanbag chair to see what THE publication of CANADIAN TV has to say about the industry this week. The cover has House from Global and some American chick from a "CTV" show.

Who says we can't produce popular programming in this country, eh?!

There's a special supplement on The Comedy Channel's 10'th Anniversary. I really should watch more of this channel representing Canadian comedy classics; from 6 year old 22 Minutes (ed. doesn't "news" start with "new"? to the latest Jon Stewart, this channell has it all!

Otherwise in good old NS, the only production related news is the "attempted" sale of a soundstage in Shelburne has been stalled again. A few years ago, the government of the province was so keen on film and tv production being the saviour of our economy (ed. anybody remember Clairtone? Heavy Water? Call Centres? sigh, oh well its only money and Pfft , only government money at that!) they decided that turning a big empty building in the middle of nowhere would draw hollywood stars like...spiders to butter? I dunno, make up your own allegory here. (ed. I think you mean metaphor.)

Whatever. Surprisingly the movers and shakers of lala land may be enticed to come to Halifax (ed. given the money) but a three hour trip to the boonies (ed. 2 and 1/2 by Hummer with a Mountie escort) was not on the plate.

So other than Virginia's Run a movie about a horse, starring ahorse ans ome other people, the government had spent another $2,75M on a big empty nothing.

So the property was turned over to a local development agency to sell. And an item in the Daily News suggests that this is not as easy as it sounds.

Steve Gilmour wanted to buy the place but says the development agency rep Frank Anderson gave him only "constant delaying tactic and mistruths". Frank Anderson said that the opposite was true. (ed. nice comeback, Potsie.)

Frankly, I never heard of either of these guys but if anybody needs a sound stage for a movie, I thing the rent is real cheap. Just don't expect the Cappocinno to be "not Tim's".

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Picnicface. Funny.

Stumbled over a bunch of videos made by the local comedy troupe "Picnicface". Check out their website here for their videos Gonna try and embed one here -

These guys are good. They're funny and fresh and they're not imitating other people's comedy. Apparently they perform at Ginger's Tavern in Halifax, andI wish I could leave the apartment to see them live.

If you can, check them out live and let me know what they're like. Also check their videos, they mad me laugh out loud.

And its just so refreshing to know there's other stuff going on in tv and write about it.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Stupid CTF! If it ain't Broke, Let's Break It!!.

Got a meassage from the CTF letting me know about all the other people that got money, besides us. (ed. "us" is DHX Halifax Film in which the writer owns 1000 shares).

We're noticeably absent from the lottery winners. In fact the only recipients from Nova Scotia are $60,000 for a documentary on sable island ponies (ed. yawn. Not unless there's a bunch of them on an island and only one survives would that be interesting.), another documentary called "Norm", (ed. cool title, I'm already intreagued!) from a company called Moodat Productions for the CBC by Teresa MacInnis, and Kent Nason (ed. $76,000, not even the Starbucks tab of Halifax Film, the exec.'s not the proles.), and a one hour Trailer Park Boys Special, $507,000, (ed. wtf, are they on a Carribbean cruise?)

Not that the east coast isn't represented; there's a show called East Coast Bound and the Rankin Family Reunion (ed. which at over 1/4 million dollars means the Rankin must be playing on that TPB cruise. A lot of fun-filled hi-jinks and splashing around the pool, the one with the float up bar.)

But they are out of Toronto.

But my point is...nothing for DHX Halifax Film?! What is going on? CTF money is from the government and the cable companies, (ed. via the final consumer, don't panic Mr. Rogers. It's not your money. Yet.) There's an entitlement issue here people! How many pony/rankin documentaries must we endure before we have something commercial to watch!

So the years half over and we will have to limp along with our $25M IPO, our $2M in Nova Scotia Business Inc. payroll rebate, our $17M of more stock issued, $2M Film Nova Scotia (ed. which sounds like an order, (formerly the NSFDC)), $50,000 in ACOA money and the tax credits which can make up 1/2 of the cost of labour. For the love of God! Why do we pay taxes?! Let's get off the stick and step up to the trough people!

Meanwhile, I haven't seen my roommate Carly, in days. I know she's not hiding in the apartment like last time, because my dog Biscuitface, has been whining like a Starbucks latte machine. And she was supposed to pay the rent for November.(ed. Carly, not Biscuitface.) Hopefully I won't get a visit from the super, Gregor, before she comes back. He frightens me and last time we were late with the rent he punched me in the throat.

Monday, 12 November 2007

Halifax Tv and Films Stuff.

Not much in the way of industry news. Michael Melski's still shooting a film in New Brunswick, something about a Ma..ju..ana, ah crap, I can't spell, "grass" crop. That, plus a trailer park boys film released on DVD should set the cultural tone for east coast.

Other than that, film and tv in nova scotia continues to shine on the shy Halifax Film DHX takeover of Canada. (ed. But I thought Alliance Atlantis was our county's international showboat...oh, right.)

Regular bloggees know that I'm a Halifax Film/DHX shareholder so lets just get that out of the way now. I own 1000 shares! Not a lot compared to the millions that Michael Donovan, Charlie (The Green Arrow) Bishop, and Dana.. whatever, grant themselves wheneven the mood strikes them, but I have a say. Albeit on an anonymous website, but I can read it and know that somebody has an opinion!

My roommate Carly is finally asleep after literally climbing the walls in the apartment. For some reason she was upset that a ship from Lebanon was delayed several days from docking in Halifax because of storms.

Really, nobody should be that upset about the weather! It just doesn't pay.

Anyway, I was sleeping , fitfully for me anyway, when I heard this knocking on the patio doors. I woke up, still not sure I was dreaming or not, and there was the albino monkey that my sister's boyfriend had sent up from Brazil.

I had released it into the wild (ed. university freshmann life) because I felt it should be free like all of God's creatures. But mostly because it was pissing me off, slurpling my cospmopolitans every time I put them down.

Anyway, this monkey knocked until I was awake and when I looked at it, it gave a beckoning wave to me. But I remebered all those movies about vampires, how the only way they could enter your house was if they were invited in. And me, not prejudiced or anything, had no desire to join the ranks of the albino monkey brigade. Plus he had taken his pants off.

Luckily, after I turned over for sleep/not hallucination, the monkey was gone.

Speaking of albino monkys, last week DHX/Halifax Film announced that they were acquiring (ed. or not let's not show our cards yet) Tribal Media which has something to do with on-line media games for children. (ed.virtual bricks and mortar for the upcoming trainables!)

It has nothing to do with on-line gambling i.e. gaming for young'ins.
Tribal Inc has relationships with CBC, Cookie Jar, etc, but then so did my Mother.

On another topic, "we" are working on another internet "initiative", Wondermedia Inc.

Luckily of the $79,900 it cost to hire a "Director of Digital Media" we had help from ACOA, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency which gave us a modest grant to hire poor unemployed Nova Scotian, of $50,000. Hopefully they won't notice that the person we hired is not from here.

Luckily the agency that does nothing but give away money didn't waste their funds on farms or inventions or new ways of creating business opportunities. We (ed. us and HFX Decode). Joe Lunchbuckets should just get a job and leave the creativity to us.

As a postscript, I don't want to hear anybody whining about the $50,000 of taxpayers money from ACOA. It's money well spent and most importantly, it doesn't come out of our, $22M governmant tax credit receivable, our $2 M NSBI payroll rebate etc.

Let Free Enterprise rein! (ed. chuckle!)

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Hey DHX Halifax Film! No Cheese For Me?

I'm a bit put out tonight as I heard that there was an Annual General Meeting of shareholders of DHX yesterday, and I wasn't invited! As you know I own 1000 shares which may only be .00001% of the outstanding shares but who knows, maybe someday I'll be the swing vote over some contentious issue between Oscar(c) Winner Michael Donovan and his right hand man Charles (the Green Arrow )Bishop!

Though I couldn't have attended because I can't leave the apartment, it would have been nice to have been invited. It's the thought that counts, after all. And sometimes the proxy.

I learned this from the e-news They also said that DHX is neither confirming or denying that they are acquiring (they paid $100,000 for the right to possibly someday, maybe purchase) this company in Quebac that makes interactive games for kids. That's the take of about 50 welfare mothers, depending on the age, number and heft of their children.

Sorry, I guess I'm a little ticked, because when I initially heard they were looking to acquire a company, I thought there was a remote possibility they were thinking of my all but defunct corporation I had a few years ago. On retrospecte, it's probably not much of a catch considering the brightest jewel in its crown was a documentary entitled "Joe Clark: A Dynasty in the Making."

Have I mentioned I've been in this business a long time and some of my choices have not been the best?

As for me, my roommate, Carly is back to "normal" so my dog Biscuitface is getting his regular walks and I'm getting my regular Whopper with cheese.

Probably not as good a cheese as they had at the Annual General Meeting of DHX last night.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Hi Honey, I'm Hom-o!

This was the payoff to a joke I wrote years ago about a guy who comes home from work one day and in a spontaneous gesture decides to out himself to his wife. Maybe the build-up wasn't worth the pay-off but really, the Air Farce turned it down?

And before you jump on me for using the term "Homo", we're reclaiming ownership of the word! (ed. who? the heteros?).

And you will note that I spelled it with a dash. Why you ask? Well, I've noticed that a lot of people who find my blog have been googling "kicked in the balls". Now I'm sure they're not looking for the story I commented on a few months ago. I'm not sure what they are looking for, exactly. Well, I guess I know what, I just don't know why. Most of these searches come from Germany. So I thought I would save a whole bunch of guys from looking through my blog for pictures that aren't here.

Anyhoo, as was repeated in weeks past, DHX Halifax Film Factory has been price-ranged out of their home away from home, the Electropolis Films studio.

Electropolis was a former power substation on the Halifax waterfront that was convereted into a soundstage with millions of Federal and Nova Scotiian tax payer dollars. Salter Street Film used the space quite a bit for Lexx and other intelectually stimulating properties, than a totally new animal Halifax Film Ltd. bought the company that operated the sound stage and rented it out to Halifax Film Ltd. (ed. I'm a little dizzy) This was all done on behalf of the owners Nova Scotia Power Inc who agreed to a less than fair market value rent for ten years. Now ten years later, those power hungry (ed. and full) owners want to charge Halifax Film Company full market rent? (ed. excuse me, do they not know what province they're in? Unless there's government subsidies available, we're out!)

And so we are. Even the NDP stepping up to bat, couldn't convince the gov't to chip in. (ed. chuckle) and Playback announced that Halifax Film is moving production facilities from Electropolis to a building beside CBC radio.

We (ed. note, the writer owns 1000 shares of DHX/Halifax Film), are not disloyal. We are cost concious. And when you think about it, do we really need 50 ft high ceilings for drugged out animators to manipulate their tiny figurines? I think not. So with their (ed. "our!") employees in mind we are moving from the rat infested waterfront to...beside the CBC which I'm sure will be vastly different. As VP David Regan notes, the employees will now actually have windows to look out off. But do we want them looking out windows fantasizing about the day they can pitch their own superhero/alien/laugh fest cartoon that's going to compete with our staid and true puppet/animation thingys? Let's not start spoiling them now. Next they'll be wanting 12 hour days, time off for funerals, and washrooms!

At least they're not going to be within a smell of DHX/Halifax Film Factory World Headquarters on Spring Garden Road, sitting above a ...yes...Starbucks!

So, I don't want to be trading inside, whatever that means, but its all good news! So let's get that share price up from today's $1.70!

Meanwhile, its been a very hectic week here. Last week Carly, my roommate quietly went to her room for a few days to sleep, after a nasty reaction to some antibiotics (ed. see previous blog).

On the 31st she emerged from her bedroom wearing a filthy robe, someone elses's pajama's ,with her hair all bunched up from sweat. I, oblivious in retrospect, asked her what her Halloween costume was. She told me she was a cold turkey, but I really didn't want to look at her giblets.

The albino monkey that arrived last week (ed. Ya know when you type/read this stuff it sounds weird) for my sister's Brazillian boyfriend, easily escaped it's cage and spent the week hanging out with Carly, watching Fox news and biffing food around the place. (ed. Apparently there was a lot of vomit and poo flung about, but we can't totally blame that on the monkey.)

By Friday I had enough. I opened the patio doors and threw a Bud Light over the railing (ed. the monkey's favourite and no loss to us, really, we have water.)

The monkey scrambled over the patio railing and I quickly closed the doors. I'm not a cruel man. I know the monkey will be fine, mostly because we are near St. Mary's and Dalhousie University and there are many who would assume that's he's merely a freshman and throw food at him. As long as he doesn't sign for a student loan, his future is secure.