Monday, 12 November 2007

Halifax Tv and Films Stuff.

Not much in the way of industry news. Michael Melski's still shooting a film in New Brunswick, something about a Ma..ju..ana, ah crap, I can't spell, "grass" crop. That, plus a trailer park boys film released on DVD should set the cultural tone for east coast.

Other than that, film and tv in nova scotia continues to shine on the shy Halifax Film DHX takeover of Canada. (ed. But I thought Alliance Atlantis was our county's international showboat...oh, right.)

Regular bloggees know that I'm a Halifax Film/DHX shareholder so lets just get that out of the way now. I own 1000 shares! Not a lot compared to the millions that Michael Donovan, Charlie (The Green Arrow) Bishop, and Dana.. whatever, grant themselves wheneven the mood strikes them, but I have a say. Albeit on an anonymous website, but I can read it and know that somebody has an opinion!

My roommate Carly is finally asleep after literally climbing the walls in the apartment. For some reason she was upset that a ship from Lebanon was delayed several days from docking in Halifax because of storms.

Really, nobody should be that upset about the weather! It just doesn't pay.

Anyway, I was sleeping , fitfully for me anyway, when I heard this knocking on the patio doors. I woke up, still not sure I was dreaming or not, and there was the albino monkey that my sister's boyfriend had sent up from Brazil.

I had released it into the wild (ed. university freshmann life) because I felt it should be free like all of God's creatures. But mostly because it was pissing me off, slurpling my cospmopolitans every time I put them down.

Anyway, this monkey knocked until I was awake and when I looked at it, it gave a beckoning wave to me. But I remebered all those movies about vampires, how the only way they could enter your house was if they were invited in. And me, not prejudiced or anything, had no desire to join the ranks of the albino monkey brigade. Plus he had taken his pants off.

Luckily, after I turned over for sleep/not hallucination, the monkey was gone.

Speaking of albino monkys, last week DHX/Halifax Film announced that they were acquiring (ed. or not let's not show our cards yet) Tribal Media which has something to do with on-line media games for children. (ed.virtual bricks and mortar for the upcoming trainables!)

It has nothing to do with on-line gambling i.e. gaming for young'ins.
Tribal Inc has relationships with CBC, Cookie Jar, etc, but then so did my Mother.

On another topic, "we" are working on another internet "initiative", Wondermedia Inc.

Luckily of the $79,900 it cost to hire a "Director of Digital Media" we had help from ACOA, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency which gave us a modest grant to hire poor unemployed Nova Scotian, of $50,000. Hopefully they won't notice that the person we hired is not from here.

Luckily the agency that does nothing but give away money didn't waste their funds on farms or inventions or new ways of creating business opportunities. We (ed. us and HFX Decode). Joe Lunchbuckets should just get a job and leave the creativity to us.

As a postscript, I don't want to hear anybody whining about the $50,000 of taxpayers money from ACOA. It's money well spent and most importantly, it doesn't come out of our, $22M governmant tax credit receivable, our $2 M NSBI payroll rebate etc.

Let Free Enterprise rein! (ed. chuckle!)

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