Friday, 14 December 2007

Random Friday Night Stuff!

It's Friday night in Halifax and I guess all the film and tv people are out partying, "'tis the season" as they say. I haven't seen my friend/editor, Maurice since he headed off to the NSFDC aka Film Nova Scotia party last night. I'm sure he's okay. I try not to worry but the last time he was gone for 24 hours like this, he was missing for two days. Then he showed up at my door saying he had been working on a reality show for the CBC called, "Eat, Drink, Puke: McLean's Magazine Finally Decides Canada's Best University. As we live between Dalhousie and St. Mary's I don't take sides. Actually, on a Friday night, I usually see both sides outside my window.

This season is a mixed blessing for me; I love the animated Christmas specials on TV, the coloured lights of the neighbouring houses and apartments, but I hate the bitter memories of Christmas' gone by. I don't want to "down you" but finding coal in our stockings was actually a blessing in Cape Breton, in the day. Once in a while we found an orange on the tracks between the colliries, and we didn't question where they came from. Um, memories of juicy railway oranges, now that's Christmas to me.

Anyhoo, back to Tv, in the now. The big news is that Apple has decided there is enough interest to offer Canadian TV shows for downloading. I haven't checked it out yet, but I have my fingers crossed that both seasons of "Blackfly" are available. Just try and keep me away from the computer for that. Apparently, the downloads are $1.99 each and if they don't charge 10% more for Blackfly, they don't realize the historical cash cow they have. I can't imagine what the Americans will think when they are offered the series.

In other news, Toronto's Ellen Page is featured in Entertainment Weekly and she's been nominated for the CANADIAN film "Juno" for a Golden Globe. (Or is she nominated for a Juno for Golden Globe?) Talented and so gosh darn cute.

Now someone told me (via anonymous e-mail) that Halifax Film's Christmas party includes a toy drive for underprivledged kids. Apparently you pay the wholesale price of one of the Lunar Jim toys and it's donated to some indigent child. Um, excuse me, but as a shareholder, I don't see a lot of "Oliver's" roaming the streets looking for a "Ted" or "Rover" toy. All I see are hooligan's who spraypaint the sides of buildings with grammatically incorrect anatomical descriptions. Dare I say I would like to provide them with a "Ripple" in a secure place. So let's not let the wholesale price of Chinese produced "action figures" be compared to what they sell for in Zellers. Let's keep that little secret to ourselves.

This arguement may be all for not, anyway as I don't put a lot of credibility in this report anyway. For one thing it assumes that Halifax Film will be giving away/donating/contributing to a cause. Sorry kids, business is business. Plus the other part of this supposed report that Charles (the Green Arrow Bishop) dressed up as Santa. Now, that, I'd leave the apartment to see..

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