Sorry, I haven't blogged in a while but things have been kind of "sporadic". Since we ran out of money, the lights, cable, internet etc have been coming and going and the combination necessary to report on TV has not been optimal. (Sorry, I missed "The Border", again.)
Basically, it's been a batt;e of utilities against phone calls to our MP. But he/she (I can't tell from the voice) can't cover us for much longer.
My attempts to pitch Halifax Film with the latest international children's show pitch seems to have fallen on a deaf e-mail in basket.
I've sent several pitches to their general info e-mail but have not heard back. Maybe its time to cash in several favours, though I hate that kind of thing and you don't see it much in film or TV.
But getting through that secure bank wall is the key. If amyone can send me Cheryl (Invisible Lass)'s e-mail address (I've tried phoning, but apparently the girl/guy at the end of the general phone number has not passed along my name or number.) it would be appreciated.
Not knowing the food chain inside Halifax Film, maybe I should send my ideas to Charles (the Green Arrow Bishop) or...dare,I dare not...why not. If someone can give me Michael Donovan`s e-mail (I feel a bit flushed now), I can, um, pitch...him.
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
Halifax Film / TV Weakly Update (haha, see what I did there? "weakly" cause it's so bad.... ah forget it).
Anyway..., tonight's blogging is edited by my friend Lunchmeat Herold. (ed. hiya.)
Just to catch up on a bunch of local (ed. and national, international) tv/film stuff.
Saw "The Border" the other night, the CBC's latest drama and I was impressed. It wasn't a "24" ripoff, although it did have action, tension, it was un-awkwardly proudly Canadian. It felt like a british show when they tell stories to fellow brits, ya know? (ed. like from a "canadian" perspective" to Canadian? Crazy.) And none of the police wore bright red coats. I think I'll watch again.
Suzanne Pleshette .... sigh... I wa so sorry to hear of her passing. She was class with a capital K! Funny, confident, sexy...I get the feeling I wasn't the only one who wanted to spend a long car drive across america with her.
The sound stage in Shelburne has been sold. It was built in the day when film and tv was supposed to rescue "underdeveloped" parts of the province, from economic destitution. Now, apparently, I "dissed" Shelburne in a previous blog but it was unintentional. I've never been there but I guess, according to an e-mail I received, it is a haven for "loyalists" and aliens. That's great. (ed. Maybe some people shouldn't throw the word "ignorant" around just because we talk about stuff we don't know anything about, hmmm?)
My subscription to Playback has expired and frankly I don't have the cash to re-new at their new cyber way of doing things. (ed. shouldn't it be cheaper since there's no paper or postage involved? I'm just saying.)
I'm guessing that the facility was sold to a foreigner for much less than it cost the Nova Scotia Government to build. Such is our quaint Maritime way.
Sean Majumder's new sitcom is being advertised and it's on FOX! That's american. I say good for him. The talented Newfoundlander has certainly paid his dues and has the talent to make it in the mainstream of comedy in the states. (ed. that's not an insult.) The show is called "Unhitched" and is run by the Farrelly brothers. (ed. Something about Mary, anyone. I wish I knew the history of Sean's association with the bro's. One of them, Bobby?, had a summer home up here, (just recently sold)
Did Sean and Bobby?, hang out up here? Who knows. Did they have anything to do with Bobby Curtola checking out of the province? (ed. Not likely. Not even a tenuous connection there, why bring it up?)
In personal news, we've managed to stave off eviction. Briefly, I owe back rent because I recently lost my job, the roommate I brought in has turned out to be a drug dealer who was not very good at her career and my sister, well, she's more of a giver than an earner. So, sad to say, the big screen tv is gone. This is hard to talk about but, heck, sacrifices have to be made. (In actuality the TV wasn't even mine; it was my sister's Brazillian boyfriend/impregnator, so I'm not really behind.) Still, other bills have to be paid.
Now, in a previous career, I used to write for children's television. That, plus the fact that I own shares in DHX aka Halifax Film, (ed.1000 shares), I figured I could pitch them on some show concepts. Alas, I have not heard back on any of my pitches.
But, my mentor, Michael Donoven, the ceo of said DHX, has inspired me to rise up and continue in my quest. In last Thursday's Chronicle Herald (I admit, I borrow it from the fetal alcohol people from up the hall, but I always return it!), Michael was speaking to a business conference at Dalhousie and he said that "failure is the key to sucess". Can you imagine that the Oscar (tm) winner was saying that failure is a key to the elevator of sucess? Hell, I should be heading to the 10000th floor!
He says that Tv and film is usually a 6:1 failure to sucess ratio. So for all the six taxpayer funded productions DHX, the publically listed corporation, will have one success. I don't think you have better odds than Vegas, especially when you are losing other people's money but winning yours.
So. learning from this, I've previously sent DHX four premises and now I have two more "ideas" for other kids shows. (ed. after all that is the business we want to monopolize.)
Ricky the Acerbic Clam - Bitter and sarcastic bottom feeders resent those who eat in the shallow pool. (and they solve mysteries/crimes.)
Mariska, the Idealistic Filmmaker - Mariska does odd jobs (ed. collecting bottles, eating glass for money, and whoring) in order to finance her independant films in which she seeks to entertain and inform. Genre: Fantasy. In the first episode, we introduce her nemesis Heryl Chasion, the rich dilitant, who refuses to respond to our heroine`s pleas for help.
So that`s it for this weak. Just a note, I started this blog as an information centre for tv and film makers in halifax to share their knowledge and experiences. But lately, the only responses I`ve received have be haraunging e-mails. I`m thinking that I`m just wasting my time. Anybody out there?
Just to catch up on a bunch of local (ed. and national, international) tv/film stuff.
Saw "The Border" the other night, the CBC's latest drama and I was impressed. It wasn't a "24" ripoff, although it did have action, tension, it was un-awkwardly proudly Canadian. It felt like a british show when they tell stories to fellow brits, ya know? (ed. like from a "canadian" perspective" to Canadian? Crazy.) And none of the police wore bright red coats. I think I'll watch again.
Suzanne Pleshette .... sigh... I wa so sorry to hear of her passing. She was class with a capital K! Funny, confident, sexy...I get the feeling I wasn't the only one who wanted to spend a long car drive across america with her.
The sound stage in Shelburne has been sold. It was built in the day when film and tv was supposed to rescue "underdeveloped" parts of the province, from economic destitution. Now, apparently, I "dissed" Shelburne in a previous blog but it was unintentional. I've never been there but I guess, according to an e-mail I received, it is a haven for "loyalists" and aliens. That's great. (ed. Maybe some people shouldn't throw the word "ignorant" around just because we talk about stuff we don't know anything about, hmmm?)
My subscription to Playback has expired and frankly I don't have the cash to re-new at their new cyber way of doing things. (ed. shouldn't it be cheaper since there's no paper or postage involved? I'm just saying.)
I'm guessing that the facility was sold to a foreigner for much less than it cost the Nova Scotia Government to build. Such is our quaint Maritime way.
Sean Majumder's new sitcom is being advertised and it's on FOX! That's american. I say good for him. The talented Newfoundlander has certainly paid his dues and has the talent to make it in the mainstream of comedy in the states. (ed. that's not an insult.) The show is called "Unhitched" and is run by the Farrelly brothers. (ed. Something about Mary, anyone. I wish I knew the history of Sean's association with the bro's. One of them, Bobby?, had a summer home up here, (just recently sold)
Did Sean and Bobby?, hang out up here? Who knows. Did they have anything to do with Bobby Curtola checking out of the province? (ed. Not likely. Not even a tenuous connection there, why bring it up?)
In personal news, we've managed to stave off eviction. Briefly, I owe back rent because I recently lost my job, the roommate I brought in has turned out to be a drug dealer who was not very good at her career and my sister, well, she's more of a giver than an earner. So, sad to say, the big screen tv is gone. This is hard to talk about but, heck, sacrifices have to be made. (In actuality the TV wasn't even mine; it was my sister's Brazillian boyfriend/impregnator, so I'm not really behind.) Still, other bills have to be paid.
Now, in a previous career, I used to write for children's television. That, plus the fact that I own shares in DHX aka Halifax Film, (ed.1000 shares), I figured I could pitch them on some show concepts. Alas, I have not heard back on any of my pitches.
But, my mentor, Michael Donoven, the ceo of said DHX, has inspired me to rise up and continue in my quest. In last Thursday's Chronicle Herald (I admit, I borrow it from the fetal alcohol people from up the hall, but I always return it!), Michael was speaking to a business conference at Dalhousie and he said that "failure is the key to sucess". Can you imagine that the Oscar (tm) winner was saying that failure is a key to the elevator of sucess? Hell, I should be heading to the 10000th floor!
He says that Tv and film is usually a 6:1 failure to sucess ratio. So for all the six taxpayer funded productions DHX, the publically listed corporation, will have one success. I don't think you have better odds than Vegas, especially when you are losing other people's money but winning yours.
So. learning from this, I've previously sent DHX four premises and now I have two more "ideas" for other kids shows. (ed. after all that is the business we want to monopolize.)
Ricky the Acerbic Clam - Bitter and sarcastic bottom feeders resent those who eat in the shallow pool. (and they solve mysteries/crimes.)
Mariska, the Idealistic Filmmaker - Mariska does odd jobs (ed. collecting bottles, eating glass for money, and whoring) in order to finance her independant films in which she seeks to entertain and inform. Genre: Fantasy. In the first episode, we introduce her nemesis Heryl Chasion, the rich dilitant, who refuses to respond to our heroine`s pleas for help.
So that`s it for this weak. Just a note, I started this blog as an information centre for tv and film makers in halifax to share their knowledge and experiences. But lately, the only responses I`ve received have be haraunging e-mails. I`m thinking that I`m just wasting my time. Anybody out there?
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Week 2, 2008. Halifax Film TV Stuff
Not much going on in good old Nova Scotia Film and TV business, though regular life is starting to take a downturn. My friend Maurice will be editing tonight. (ed. Howdy.)
Watched Oprah last night, and let me tell you some people just shouldn't be in large screen HD. She's an attractive woman but for some reason she just looks judgemental and she makes me feel guilty. I don't know why. I'm not a regular viewer, I just tuned in to see the lovely and talented Ellen Page. But the show wasted a lot of time on Marion Davies (ed. Boo, hoo, I used steroids, lied about it, got caught and I'm really sorry, I did it to be an example of what children should not do. So can I stay out of prison?) So there wasn't much time for Ellen, especially after Jennifer Garner came out and gushed about everything from her baby to her life and husband, who I believe is Bart Affleck. So a waste of time for me.
But I read in the paper that a real feature film (ed. as opposed to a Lifetime quicky) is coming to N.S. Katie Holmes (ed. some people can't help being crazy, but you should know better than to marry a crazy person.), Woody Harrelson, and the Fabulous! Eddie Izzard! That cross-dressing fool! He is a riot, check out this little bit:
The CBC started it's new flashier programming last week with the premiere of jPod, The Border, and Sophie. It appears they are doing well, numbers wise; I really should watch them at some point.
The CBC also ordered more Animal Mechanicals, another animated show from the mind of Jeff Rosen (Poko, Bo on the Go). Hopefully he's being well paid for filling the coffers of DHX aka Halifax Film, his creations fill CBC morning and sell around the world. But, on the other hand as a shareholder, (1000 shares @ $1.62!), I hope he's on salary and not in for a percentage of the profits. In fact I never see his name when DHX is handing out stocks and options to the Board.
Anyway, speaking of my stocks, I'm a bit concerned. As loyal readers know, I inheirited the stocks when my Father died in Kamloops last year. I didn't go to the service as I can't leave the apartment, but my sister Stella went as the East Coast family rep. She's the one who told me Dad's lawyers told her I was going to get the stock. But since then, I've heard nothing. Shouldn't I get some of those big old certificates in the mail or something?
And it's kind of important now as I may have to cash them in to pay the rent. Since I lost my job and Stella been too busy gestating to earn money, things have gotten a bit tight. I hoped taking in a roommate would have helped and it did at first when Carly was selling non-perscription medication, through a slot in our front door, but she's become another drain since she found Jesus. And believe me finding him in this apartment was quite the success; there's just not thatmany places to hide.
But Mr. Mzykenick (ed. wasn't he that little imp that gave Superman so much trouble?), our super, informed me in a series of grunts and clicks (ed. he's from one of those eastern europeon countries that have more consonents in their names than he does.), that we were three months behind in our rent.
I had sent some show pitches into DHX, hoping that they would champion my kids show ideas but I haven't heard anything back. That would at least solve my immediate money problems. Other than that selling the stock, that I don't have proof that I actually own, seems to be the only alternative. I'm working on some more, that's I'll send in tomorrow after some "polishing."
"Lincoln Blogs - Although Abraham Lincoln is dead he's still able to channel his spirit through a Blog, to help 10 year old Tommy LeChastelain solve moral delemas and issues in his life, his school and his vollyball team. Together, they also solve crimes."
"Gibbons From Space - Earth is invaded by flatulent monkeys from space who create havoc with their hi-jinks. One of them opens a detective agency and solves crimes in San Francisco."
I sent my other ones to the general e-mail address for DHX but maybe I should try higher (ed. no offense). If only I knew Charles "the Green Arrows" contact information. I know he recognizes genius, when he sees it.
Watched Oprah last night, and let me tell you some people just shouldn't be in large screen HD. She's an attractive woman but for some reason she just looks judgemental and she makes me feel guilty. I don't know why. I'm not a regular viewer, I just tuned in to see the lovely and talented Ellen Page. But the show wasted a lot of time on Marion Davies (ed. Boo, hoo, I used steroids, lied about it, got caught and I'm really sorry, I did it to be an example of what children should not do. So can I stay out of prison?) So there wasn't much time for Ellen, especially after Jennifer Garner came out and gushed about everything from her baby to her life and husband, who I believe is Bart Affleck. So a waste of time for me.
But I read in the paper that a real feature film (ed. as opposed to a Lifetime quicky) is coming to N.S. Katie Holmes (ed. some people can't help being crazy, but you should know better than to marry a crazy person.), Woody Harrelson, and the Fabulous! Eddie Izzard! That cross-dressing fool! He is a riot, check out this little bit:
The CBC started it's new flashier programming last week with the premiere of jPod, The Border, and Sophie. It appears they are doing well, numbers wise; I really should watch them at some point.
The CBC also ordered more Animal Mechanicals, another animated show from the mind of Jeff Rosen (Poko, Bo on the Go). Hopefully he's being well paid for filling the coffers of DHX aka Halifax Film, his creations fill CBC morning and sell around the world. But, on the other hand as a shareholder, (1000 shares @ $1.62!), I hope he's on salary and not in for a percentage of the profits. In fact I never see his name when DHX is handing out stocks and options to the Board.
Anyway, speaking of my stocks, I'm a bit concerned. As loyal readers know, I inheirited the stocks when my Father died in Kamloops last year. I didn't go to the service as I can't leave the apartment, but my sister Stella went as the East Coast family rep. She's the one who told me Dad's lawyers told her I was going to get the stock. But since then, I've heard nothing. Shouldn't I get some of those big old certificates in the mail or something?
And it's kind of important now as I may have to cash them in to pay the rent. Since I lost my job and Stella been too busy gestating to earn money, things have gotten a bit tight. I hoped taking in a roommate would have helped and it did at first when Carly was selling non-perscription medication, through a slot in our front door, but she's become another drain since she found Jesus. And believe me finding him in this apartment was quite the success; there's just not thatmany places to hide.
But Mr. Mzykenick (ed. wasn't he that little imp that gave Superman so much trouble?), our super, informed me in a series of grunts and clicks (ed. he's from one of those eastern europeon countries that have more consonents in their names than he does.), that we were three months behind in our rent.
I had sent some show pitches into DHX, hoping that they would champion my kids show ideas but I haven't heard anything back. That would at least solve my immediate money problems. Other than that selling the stock, that I don't have proof that I actually own, seems to be the only alternative. I'm working on some more, that's I'll send in tomorrow after some "polishing."
"Lincoln Blogs - Although Abraham Lincoln is dead he's still able to channel his spirit through a Blog, to help 10 year old Tommy LeChastelain solve moral delemas and issues in his life, his school and his vollyball team. Together, they also solve crimes."
"Gibbons From Space - Earth is invaded by flatulent monkeys from space who create havoc with their hi-jinks. One of them opens a detective agency and solves crimes in San Francisco."
I sent my other ones to the general e-mail address for DHX but maybe I should try higher (ed. no offense). If only I knew Charles "the Green Arrows" contact information. I know he recognizes genius, when he sees it.
Wednesday, 9 January 2008
Canada at Sundance: A Halifax Perspective. And Other Cra*
We received an e-mail from Telefilm trumpeting the Canadian entries playing at Sundance this year.
Me thinks I see a theme:

Thoughtful introspection. And because they're mostly National Film Board presentations there's naturallly no Canadian perspective. (ed. 'member all those National Film Board films we all saw in school when we were kids!? Yeah me neither.)
But being Canadian, we're not all about just sittin' and thinkin'...

There's always death and zombies! Jesus weeps. But at least he has a positive bent. Can we not present a Porky's or a Meatballs to the world to show that we're not all zombies and/or weeping all the time?
My friend "Lunchmeat Herold" has dropped over to help me with tonights blog, he'll be the editor (ed. Hiya). He brought a tape of Ellen Page on David Letterman's show last week and I must say I am absolutely charmed by this young lady. In a career as diverse as Pit Pony, Juno, Trailer Park Boys and X-Men she drove the interview and Dave for once, had to hang on for the ride. She talked about Halifax and living here on a positive note. The pretty, talented, and real (ed. and hot, not a package you see together too often), Ms. Page was smart, (ed.and a little nervous, understandebly, but it was real and endearing.) And gladly, Dave played along. He really is good with people who are real!
Anyhoo, although Lunchmeat may be on some sort of love connection (actually, I think she's T-riffic too), other things have been fairly quiet. I sent my story/series ideas into DHX aka Halifax film for evaluation and I'm just waiting to hear back from their creative department. (ed. I imagine they have a lot of playrights/screenrighters that look over all proposals.)
Me thinks I see a theme:

Thoughtful introspection. And because they're mostly National Film Board presentations there's naturallly no Canadian perspective. (ed. 'member all those National Film Board films we all saw in school when we were kids!? Yeah me neither.)
But being Canadian, we're not all about just sittin' and thinkin'...

There's always death and zombies! Jesus weeps. But at least he has a positive bent. Can we not present a Porky's or a Meatballs to the world to show that we're not all zombies and/or weeping all the time?
My friend "Lunchmeat Herold" has dropped over to help me with tonights blog, he'll be the editor (ed. Hiya). He brought a tape of Ellen Page on David Letterman's show last week and I must say I am absolutely charmed by this young lady. In a career as diverse as Pit Pony, Juno, Trailer Park Boys and X-Men she drove the interview and Dave for once, had to hang on for the ride. She talked about Halifax and living here on a positive note. The pretty, talented, and real (ed. and hot, not a package you see together too often), Ms. Page was smart, (ed.and a little nervous, understandebly, but it was real and endearing.) And gladly, Dave played along. He really is good with people who are real!
Anyhoo, although Lunchmeat may be on some sort of love connection (actually, I think she's T-riffic too), other things have been fairly quiet. I sent my story/series ideas into DHX aka Halifax film for evaluation and I'm just waiting to hear back from their creative department. (ed. I imagine they have a lot of playrights/screenrighters that look over all proposals.)
Thursday, 3 January 2008
2007 - That All Ya Got!!
So, I haven't blogged for a while due to rolling blackouts throughtout my apartment, possibly due to the fact that the power (ed. "hydro" to you Ontario readers) bill hasn't been paid. Anyway gave me plenty of time to think of my present state most of which is due to events in the last year, 2007. let's see:
- My Father died (not that he was ever a great provider, in fact he owed me money. One day he just showed up at my apartment in L.A. and said he needed money to pay off a mean house and her meaner pump. Something like that, I may have mis-interpreted as I was pretty "coked" in those days. But anyway, your Father's always your Dad, right?)
- My live in sister, Stella let a Brazillian exchange student live here and he lasted just long enough to get her pregnant.
- I lost my job as a rep for a medical supply/pharmasutical. (ed. "sic", I think I know why you lost the job.) As I can't leave the apartment, it was perfect for me as it was all done on-line.
- With bills piling up, I found a roommate, Carly who, though I didn't approve of her career (ed. What? You sold drugs, she sold drugs...albeit, she sold them through a slot through a steel door...)she had money to pay the rent. That was until she went cold turkey, quit using and selling and found the Love of Jesus over Christmas. Now the Love of Jesus is great but it doesn't pay that well.
- My dog Biscuitface, needs an operation. Something non-specific (ed. not cancer!) that costs a lot of money.
All of this going on in a one-bedroom apartment (ed. the sky-hiii!)
With things not looking so great, I decided to return to one of my old skills that I don't have to leave the apartment for - writing. Although my meat and potatos in my day was on the technical side of production, I did write a few kids shows before becoming a producer and getting others to write for me for free. (Hey, don't criticize, everyone did it and those kids really appreciated the break. In fact some of them have moved quite far onward and upward, but for some reason they don't return my calls.)
And since I own shares in DHX (ed. aka Halifax Film) it seemed to be a perfect opportunity to pitch a kid's show. Especially after they bought Decode and Studio B. (ed. did anyone else get Monopoly for Christmas? The tv production company edition? If you choose the writer's token you have to roll the dice with no dots on them.)
So I've written up the following pitches for some animated children's shows that I'm going to send in:
Kabuki Kats - A band of Cats bring their travelling theatre and perform for peasant villages throughout feudal Japan. They also solve crimes and somehow always manage to get themselves in crazy adventures.
Rhino-Plasti - In the modern jungle of Hollywood, Dr. Plasti, an African rhino plastic surgeon, caters to the whims of an elite range of Hollywood celebrities; Lindsey Lohan's freckle fetish, Tara Reid's "un"-lobotomy (ed. technically brain surgery, not plastic surgery) and a penis lengthening for Britteny.
He also solves crime and has adventures in space.
Oscar the Crime Fighting Dog (still working on this but he solves crimes.)
So I'm going to edit these a bit and send them in to my friends and see what happens. TV money is the best money.
- My Father died (not that he was ever a great provider, in fact he owed me money. One day he just showed up at my apartment in L.A. and said he needed money to pay off a mean house and her meaner pump. Something like that, I may have mis-interpreted as I was pretty "coked" in those days. But anyway, your Father's always your Dad, right?)
- My live in sister, Stella let a Brazillian exchange student live here and he lasted just long enough to get her pregnant.
- I lost my job as a rep for a medical supply/pharmasutical. (ed. "sic", I think I know why you lost the job.) As I can't leave the apartment, it was perfect for me as it was all done on-line.
- With bills piling up, I found a roommate, Carly who, though I didn't approve of her career (ed. What? You sold drugs, she sold drugs...albeit, she sold them through a slot through a steel door...)she had money to pay the rent. That was until she went cold turkey, quit using and selling and found the Love of Jesus over Christmas. Now the Love of Jesus is great but it doesn't pay that well.
- My dog Biscuitface, needs an operation. Something non-specific (ed. not cancer!) that costs a lot of money.
All of this going on in a one-bedroom apartment (ed. the sky-hiii!)
With things not looking so great, I decided to return to one of my old skills that I don't have to leave the apartment for - writing. Although my meat and potatos in my day was on the technical side of production, I did write a few kids shows before becoming a producer and getting others to write for me for free. (Hey, don't criticize, everyone did it and those kids really appreciated the break. In fact some of them have moved quite far onward and upward, but for some reason they don't return my calls.)
And since I own shares in DHX (ed. aka Halifax Film) it seemed to be a perfect opportunity to pitch a kid's show. Especially after they bought Decode and Studio B. (ed. did anyone else get Monopoly for Christmas? The tv production company edition? If you choose the writer's token you have to roll the dice with no dots on them.)
So I've written up the following pitches for some animated children's shows that I'm going to send in:
Kabuki Kats - A band of Cats bring their travelling theatre and perform for peasant villages throughout feudal Japan. They also solve crimes and somehow always manage to get themselves in crazy adventures.
Rhino-Plasti - In the modern jungle of Hollywood, Dr. Plasti, an African rhino plastic surgeon, caters to the whims of an elite range of Hollywood celebrities; Lindsey Lohan's freckle fetish, Tara Reid's "un"-lobotomy (ed. technically brain surgery, not plastic surgery) and a penis lengthening for Britteny.
He also solves crime and has adventures in space.
Oscar the Crime Fighting Dog (still working on this but he solves crimes.)
So I'm going to edit these a bit and send them in to my friends and see what happens. TV money is the best money.
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