Thursday, 17 January 2008

Week 2, 2008. Halifax Film TV Stuff

Not much going on in good old Nova Scotia Film and TV business, though regular life is starting to take a downturn. My friend Maurice will be editing tonight. (ed. Howdy.)

Watched Oprah last night, and let me tell you some people just shouldn't be in large screen HD. She's an attractive woman but for some reason she just looks judgemental and she makes me feel guilty. I don't know why. I'm not a regular viewer, I just tuned in to see the lovely and talented Ellen Page. But the show wasted a lot of time on Marion Davies (ed. Boo, hoo, I used steroids, lied about it, got caught and I'm really sorry, I did it to be an example of what children should not do. So can I stay out of prison?) So there wasn't much time for Ellen, especially after Jennifer Garner came out and gushed about everything from her baby to her life and husband, who I believe is Bart Affleck. So a waste of time for me.

But I read in the paper that a real feature film (ed. as opposed to a Lifetime quicky) is coming to N.S. Katie Holmes (ed. some people can't help being crazy, but you should know better than to marry a crazy person.), Woody Harrelson, and the Fabulous! Eddie Izzard! That cross-dressing fool! He is a riot, check out this little bit:

The CBC started it's new flashier programming last week with the premiere of jPod, The Border, and Sophie. It appears they are doing well, numbers wise; I really should watch them at some point.

The CBC also ordered more Animal Mechanicals, another animated show from the mind of Jeff Rosen (Poko, Bo on the Go). Hopefully he's being well paid for filling the coffers of DHX aka Halifax Film, his creations fill CBC morning and sell around the world. But, on the other hand as a shareholder, (1000 shares @ $1.62!), I hope he's on salary and not in for a percentage of the profits. In fact I never see his name when DHX is handing out stocks and options to the Board.

Anyway, speaking of my stocks, I'm a bit concerned. As loyal readers know, I inheirited the stocks when my Father died in Kamloops last year. I didn't go to the service as I can't leave the apartment, but my sister Stella went as the East Coast family rep. She's the one who told me Dad's lawyers told her I was going to get the stock. But since then, I've heard nothing. Shouldn't I get some of those big old certificates in the mail or something?

And it's kind of important now as I may have to cash them in to pay the rent. Since I lost my job and Stella been too busy gestating to earn money, things have gotten a bit tight. I hoped taking in a roommate would have helped and it did at first when Carly was selling non-perscription medication, through a slot in our front door, but she's become another drain since she found Jesus. And believe me finding him in this apartment was quite the success; there's just not thatmany places to hide.

But Mr. Mzykenick (ed. wasn't he that little imp that gave Superman so much trouble?), our super, informed me in a series of grunts and clicks (ed. he's from one of those eastern europeon countries that have more consonents in their names than he does.), that we were three months behind in our rent.

I had sent some show pitches into DHX, hoping that they would champion my kids show ideas but I haven't heard anything back. That would at least solve my immediate money problems. Other than that selling the stock, that I don't have proof that I actually own, seems to be the only alternative. I'm working on some more, that's I'll send in tomorrow after some "polishing."

"Lincoln Blogs - Although Abraham Lincoln is dead he's still able to channel his spirit through a Blog, to help 10 year old Tommy LeChastelain solve moral delemas and issues in his life, his school and his vollyball team. Together, they also solve crimes."

"Gibbons From Space - Earth is invaded by flatulent monkeys from space who create havoc with their hi-jinks. One of them opens a detective agency and solves crimes in San Francisco."

I sent my other ones to the general e-mail address for DHX but maybe I should try higher (ed. no offense). If only I knew Charles "the Green Arrows" contact information. I know he recognizes genius, when he sees it.

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