Thursday, 22 March 2012

FilmNovaScotia - What the? (Gregor To Step In?)

This week Anne MacKenzie, CEO, announced that she was moving on to the next stage of her career. Yikes, leaving behind $150K+ a year and travel to France, Los Angeles, Banff, it must be quite the job she heading to. The job offer must have come out of the blue because she's only given the Board 2 weeks notice. Usually there's like a passing of the torch period where the old CEO show the new CEO where the keys to the mansion are kept.

Meanwhile is reportig that Gregor Ash, who ran the Atlantic Film Festival was probably the likely candidate for the job. He's seen a lot of films, knows the movers and shakers in the industry and he's NDP - Ta Dah!

Was this predetermined? Fate? A lucky coincidence? Stay tuned.

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