Saturday, 19 May 2007

Bits and Bites

Just have to toss off a few things here:

- CBC has cancelled the Gil Deacon Show. This was a feel-good chat show devoted to crafts and feelings aimed at women over the age of fifty on high dosages of anti-depressants. It will be replaced by Hinterland Who's Who's Greatest Hits.

- The local newspaper reported that Shaun Majumder will be one of the stars of a new show for Fox. (See my posting for April 6 for the long-winded details)

- People have commented that I seem to be picking on Halifax Film Company (aka DMX) and that will stop. Apparently they think I'm some sort of hippy who cares more about culture than money. I'd rather not blog if people think I'm being unfair.

- the CRTC is unleashing the advertising chains from broadcasters. Currently limited to 14 minutes per hour, by 2008, Canadian networks can have as much advertising as they sell. Can we get TIVO in Canada?

- I love horror films. Let me clarify that. I love scary films and not torturing humans with power tools, films. I just watched Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte,
Sure a fake decapitation but no close-ups of sharp things going into peoples eyes. If only there were more scary, entertaining films but I feel there are none coming soon. Scary Stuff.

- Oh, and I just found out that I've been left 1,000 shares of DMX (Halifax Film Company) stock in a will.

So that's all for now on the state of TV in Canada.

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