Thursday, 17 May 2007

The Office!!!!

Brilliant, brilliant brilliant!

I think I've seen most of The Office this year and I just watched the season finale. Steve Carrell of course is dynamite as is the rest of the cast. Favourite scenes:

- Jan and Michael on the drive away from the office after she's been led away by security from her job.

- Jim finds Pam's note.

- Jim and Pam on the beach immediately after.

- when Pam is talking to the camera in the conference room and Jim pops in to ask her to dinner, she says yes,and he leaves. The look on her face, the smile, the eyes...this is one brilliant actress. (ed. Get well soon!)

- but the absolute favourite is the ending when the head guy in New York is welcoming aboard the winner of the job that everyone's been applying for. I thought, he's on the phone to an unknown person and this is the cliffhanger until next year. But then they cut to the intern on the other end of the phone! he's getting the job! (ed. should we issue some sort of spoiler alert?)

The camera's close up on him and his "girlfriend" is sitting in the background. When he's done with the phone call she asks him "who was that?" He looks at us with a smile and says to her "we're done".

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!

The latest share prices for DHX, i.e. the company formed when Halifax Film Company acquired Decode:

Share Price:

Symbol Last Trade $ Change %Change Volume
DHX 1.450 -0.030 -2.03 5 1,308

Contributions to the tv film community:

DHX 0.00

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