Saturday, 12 May 2007

Saturday Night

Love that Flaggpole Sitta song (see previous blogs for the coolest unofficial video)

Anyway, things have calmed down here significantly. Carl starts summer school at St. Mary's on Monday, he's taking a commerce/drama/engineering mixture. Apparently his mother wants him to be well-rounded. I guess!

But it brings back memories of my days (and nights) at St. Mary's; the Gorsebrook Lounge, the drinking contests, the drunken dances. And of course the learning parts, which will always remain with me, no matter how much I try to forget.

So quick and dirty update:

- my sister, Stella, has decided to go back to school. Previously an arts major (incomplete) she wants to take a commerce/drama/engineering.... yeah, okay we can see where this is going. I constantly have to move my La-z-boy recliner so I don't have to watch Stella and Carl make goo-goo eyes at each other reflected in the big screen tv.

Okay, I promised quick and dirty;

- Per my commitment to watch more Canadian TV, I was tuned into CBC last night when a show called "The Choir Boys Gang" came on. The first fifteen minutes were, mostly a standard set-up. Choirboys, who are supposed to represent goodness are actually bad. Okay, got it. Let the comedy ensue. But not only do they act like boys their age they go beyond that, putting LSD on communion wafers.

The only saving grace was Andy Jones as the priest, who happens to be questioning his faith the same day. After he eats the wafer in front of the congregation, I was expecting to see wackiness and embarassment but Andy played it low key and it worked. He appeared befuddled but no one was the wiser and he just walked away and ended up in the graveyard asking a vison of Jesus a lot of religeous questions.

Jesus's response was to run and hide behind tombstones.

It was written by Norm Hiscock who I think was a stand-up in Canada years ago and went to the states to work on the Roseanne show. So I think I'll give this show another try.

The odd thing was that I had never heard of this show existing, in development, coming etc. Oh, wait, CBC fired all it's publicity people last year.

- Also watched G-Spot again, This is like "Sex in the City" if "Sex in the City" was funny and not stupid and smarmy. I like this show and the charactesr.

- Watched Bliss. This is only the second time I've watched this show and either I saw a repeat or its the same all the time. It was about a girl who lives her life in her apartment with an operational web-cam and people watch her do everyday stuff and get naked. (Though the two are not mutually exclusive.) But I'll save you the trouble of watching it by writing a summary. "She" has brought a new boyfriend back for sex.

He: So people watch you do, like everyday stuff, all the time? Even naked?

She: Sure. (though, they're not mutually exclusiv). I want you to do it with me.

He: No. And I don't want you to do it.

She: I'm doing it.

After 10-15 minutes of individual soul-searching, he's naked in front of the camera when she enters.

She: You're doing it?

He: Yes, and I want you to do it with me.

She: No. And I'm not going to do it anymore.

k. I missed a Family Guy re-run for this.

Time to log off as Carl and Stella are making noises on the couch behind me. Guess I'll go into the bedroom and watch the non-cable channels really loud.

If only I could leave the apartment.

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