Saturday, 5 May 2007

Small, Small, World

So I'm enjoying Patton on the big screen TV that Carl bought for the apartment (and George C., we all know the oscar was not worthy enough, that's why ) when during the tank part, there's a ruckus in the bedroom. My sister Stella went in there with our exchange student Carl to watch a renovating show or something on our old TV, when she exploded into the living room.

I tried to stay focused on the movie but soon gave up. Carl and Stella have been spending a lot of time together, she's trying to aclimatize her Brazillian to Halifax, but this is the first time I've heard an altercation. She came out yelling at him, "be more careful because I hate facials!" Now, to me, I can't see how one person can suddenly surprise another with a skin care treatment, and I can't see how this would upset them so; aloe doesn't even sting! But I've been accused of taking Carl's side before, so I'm staying out of it.

As they've ruined the movie for me I'm checking the old blog and thought I would answer a question or two. I don't usually allow comments because, well frankly I don' care.

And I usually ignore questions because other peoples questions about the things I'm un-naturally obsessed with, strike me as stupid. But what the hell, it's Saturday night so I'll open up the floor.


Anonymous said...

hey HTFS, been wondering your opinion, big tits or small?

Curiousity Killed the Cat

Halifax TV/Film said...


*sigh* This is why I don't usually bother. Anyway, thanks for the question, fourteen times later. I don't know why you need to know but, I hope you aren't being paid overtime by census Canada for this.

But what the hell, my answer sir, is small. And I'm damn proud of it!

The last time I was out of the apartment, my sister Stella took me to the mall in the family Subaru (now, the late Subaru).

On the way there, we drove over two sets of railway tracks and I experienced something I'd never felt before. My "man-boobs shifted up and down.

Now on one side I was intrigued. Hey, I thought, This is what they feel like from the inside. Not an unpleasant feeling but a bit disconcerting when my manness steeped up.

So,I knew I had to lose weight or I'd start to look like some overweight Tyra Banks model.

So I exercised and am now down to the chest measurement I had in college.

Take that Dwight!, my college rival and keeper of the woman I love until I can ...somehow, take her away from you. You, driver of an oil truck! You are not worthy of Allison!

Anyway, to answer your question, I'm more comfortable with a smaller topside.