Thursday 7 June 2007

Please Kick Me in the Balls

The following is an exact word for word quote of a news story from the Daily News Page 16 (Halifax), from last Thursday, May 31st. I am not making this up.

"Guelph, Ontario by the Canadian Press - A Guelph man accused of asking women to kick him in the groin as they jogged through a city park is free on bail today.

Court heard that in the span of one month, a man approached six women and asked them to "kick me in the balls", even telling one that his Doctor had recommended kicks as a way to cure a chemical imbalance.

Five of the women refused his request, but one kicked him four times.

The Crown told the Court the man thanked the woman and drove away on his bicycle after being kicked.

Guelph police compared the requests to indecent exposure and laid six mischief charges against 27-year-old Jarrett Loft."

Okay, I'll type it, the guy's got a lot of balls.

But I totally admire the woman who kicked him four times!