Monday 7 May 2007

Health Care Alert! And "The G-Spot". (The TV show)

I thought I would pass along a warning about a dangerous entity that may be in your house!

Last night as I was watching The Simpsons with Carl and Stella, I was enjoying a (okay, several) cosmopoliton(s). As usual, to maximise the enjoyment, I was using my vintage Underdog swirly straw. As I was imbibing, I realized my drink tasted "funny". I drank from the glass and it was okay, so maybe the straw...

When I held the straw up to the light and looked inside, I was horrified. There was mold in there! And it was on the straight part!. I shuddered to imagine what lurked in the twisty turns of the straw. And, with a backpack full of regret, I made the decision to cut it open. I had to see.

What I found in there would make the Black Death seem palatable. I haven't been sick but this mould may be the kind that grows and slowly suffocates you from the inside out. The logical part of my brain tells me, I'll be all right but the emotional side... my imagination is a curse.

I try to make my mind think of other things. Like the show G-Spot I watched the other night. It was actually pretty funny and the sex scenes were done in quite good taste, I thought. Though I think they must have Cg'd the bobsled guy, and they overdid it at that.

But overall another funny Canadian show. Now I'm going to check my vintage lunchboxes. i can't remember ever opening my Partridge Family box after I finished the tenth grade. And I always had tuna.

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