Friday 27 April 2007

At least squawk!

Okay Wendall, this is the last of these that I'm posting

Okay, my sister Stella has left for Kamloops, leaving my dog Biscuitface and myself to some peace and quiet. Except it's become too quiet.

My sister signed us up to be host to a Brazillian Bushman who's coming to study at St. Mary's University. During this last week, his "stuff" has been dropped off by various movers, like fifty boxes. Now the capper, a mover delivered two huge parrots to the apartment today. These things are massive, it looks like their wingspan is longer than Hu Quan, the tallest living man in the world, is tall. (7' 4")

Now I like animals but these birds make me uneasy. They just sit on their perches staring at me. Biscuitface has withdrawn, tail between his legs to the bedroom. (Thanks faithful companion! At least don't gnaw on my bones after these vultures rip into me!)

I thought the whole thing about parrots was that they would talk. And maybe the thinking behind having two as a pet would be that they would talk to each other and keep each other company when the family was off working in the bush. (like people do with cats except cats like to ignore other cats so it pretty stupid thinking).

But these two beasts haven't made a peep since they were unboxed. I've cajoled them, fed them and talked to them. Nothing.

Just staring at me. I can feel their eyes on the back of my head now as I type.

If only I could leave the apartment.

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