Saturday 21 April 2007

Pete Townsend and randomness

More than just a member of The Who! Thank god for U-Tube. I never saw all these videos from the 80's as I was out in the real world having fun. But not now. sigh.

And okay, the following one is as far away from Pete Townsend as possible but it's funny. It's from "How I Met Your Mother" where one of the characters always tries to hide her "Canadianous". But another character unearths the fact she was a pop star in Canada in the ninties. After they watch this another character says it's pretty '80's to which she reacts the 80's happened in Canada ten years later. It's a well done parody. (Not satire! Give it a rest!)Sorry I may ramble tonight. New meds and I'm still working out the balance with my cosmopolitans.

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